Vloggers That I Love #2


It’s the second month of the year! It’s a good thing that I’ve decided to do these once a month because I don’t even watch three others in a week. I don’t like anything but the daily vlogs apparently, because I’m very, very addicted to them. I have to give the two I’ve selected for this month a lot of kudos because I don’t think I would be able to do a vlog everyday. I’m not all that interesting at the beginning of the week, trust me! If you haven’t watched these vlogger’s channels you really need to. Enjoy!

  1. PointlessBlogTV – You’ve heard me talking about Alfie’s channel a lot in the last month or so. When I wake up around noon or two in the afternoon, I’m very anxious that I’ve missed it so I literally go on Twitter first thing and load up the link if it’s there. I have watched a few of his main channel videos, not a lot though. I don’t understand how people like Alfie can do a different vlog everyday. I mean, when do you sleep? He’s got THREE different channels. So he’s always got something new coming along. That’s crazy!
  2. SacconeJolys – The SacconeJolys are a family of vloggers, originally from Ireland and now they live in England with their two kids: The parents and creators of this channel are Jonathan and Anna (both have separate channels as well) their children are Emilia, who is 2 and Eduardo who is almost a year old. Plus their six doggie friends. It’s a full house but they are really interesting! I’ve talked about them to my nana a lot and I’ve just found their videos quite recent. They recently went to Disney World and then went to Playlist Live afterwards. I watched that whole week of vlogs religiously! When Emilia met Cinderella, Anna, and Sofia the First I just bawling my eyes out. So many emotions were floating right out of me that I couldn’t control it.

Song Review: “Élan” by Nightwish

I’ve been trying to figure out how to keep up with all of these new albums, singles, and their music videos, everytime I want to do a review I tend to talk myself out of it. Well, not anymore.

I don’t know if any of you are fans or even heard of Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish, but if you’ve visited here before you already know that I am obsessed with this band. This is one of like eight bands that I remember getting into at the beginning of my metal obsession.  I’m here to talk to you about the band’s first single of their brand new album Endless Forms Most Beautiful that will be released at the end of March. This is the eighth album for the band but it’s the first with two new members, Dutch singer Floor Jensen as the new female lead vocalist and Troy Donockley on pipes. Their drummer Jukka Nevalainen had to leave after suffering some health problems, so they replaced him with Kai Hahto in the recording process. Hopefully Jukka will be healthy enough to come back soon! Their first single is called “Élan” and I’ll be honest I don’t know what the word actually means or understand the concept of the music video.

I have watched their concert DVD of Storytime, Showtime that was recorded at Wacken Air in 2013, it was Floor’s first tour with Nightwish after Anette Olzon left the band. They hadn’t announced the addition of thew two members into the band yet, but they did go on tour with them. It was our first taste of Floor taking over. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t much of a fan of Floor before she joined them on tour. So I tried to listen to her older stuff with her former band, After Forever and solo project with ReVamp. Once I got a sense of her voice in general, I watched her performances with Nightwish on YouTube. She is a powerful singer, but if you look around on YouTube, people are still complaining that she’s not good enough. I just don’t understand why because I think she sounds a bit like Anette and Tarja. She’s soft like Anette and powerful like Tarja, not like both ladies aren’t like that, but it’s the only way I can describe the two of them separately.

When I first heard the song, I was surprised that it wasn’t really heavy. Of course at first, I kind of panicked because I really like the heavy sounds between the powerful guitars up against the dramatic choirs and keys. I mean, that’s how I became a fan of their music was for that unique sound. I just never thought they’d release a slower song to start out the album. I mean it doesn’t sound like a ballad, but it’s softer as guitars and vocals go. It does have that dreamy effect that every symphonic metal fan loves so much. I love the introduction of the pipes and guitars together, after hearing and getting hooked to “I Want My Tears Back” from their last album, Imaginaerum I’ve really grown to love the sound of the gentle pipes. It doesn’t overpower the general sound of the song, especially with the guitars and drums. I am really curious of the sound that both Floor and Troy will bring with the rest of the album. My only concern is that knowing Troy is a full-time member of the band — will there be pipes on all of the songs? I think if there was, that would be too much. Anyways, besides all these little doubts I am VERY excited to hear the rest of the album.

The A-Z Of Me Tag


I get very bored in the middle of the night, we all do. I usually scroll up and down my Pinterest and Bloglovin accounts because it relaxes me. Of course, not to the point to where you feel going to sleep, but at least I’m relaxed! One night recently I went on my Bloglovin and I love finding tags from other bloggers! I am a nosy bitch sometimes and I love to read everybody’s answers to the questions! Well, I was reading an interesting tag on Little Miss Katy and I knew I had to do it. What words would you use to describe yourself? Hope you enjoy!

A is for Adventurous:

I think I’ve always been adventurous. I am usually up for anything that’s not illegal to do.

B is for Beautiful:

I know I am beautiful. I think everyone in this messed up world is beautiful in their own way.

C is for Chevy:

If you don’t know, Chevy is this little girl who lives in my neighborhood. In the last year, she’s became my little buddy. She’s in an environment where she is exposed to people with disabilities all the time. Her aunt has Down Syndrome and from a young age, she’s had to figure out to understand the both of us. She loves riding on the back of my wheelchair and on my lap. She’s so incredibly sweet and if needed, she will help me to the best of her ability and she’s only two years old. I love this little girl a lot.


D is for Dance:

I love dancing! I do a little happy dance whenever something good happens. I am so excited that Dancing With The Stars comes back in a couple of weeks! I have a slight obsession of looking up different hip hop dance videos on YouTube.

E is for Experience:

I live to experience things. It’s something that kind of goes great with blogging too. Everything I do or have done will more than likely make it onto my blog. I love sharing my experiences with people and showing that I’m not just a person with a disability I like to do things that might seem crazy.

F is for Flawed:

I am very flawed, we all are. I think it’s good that I’ve accepted my flaws for what they are, I definitely can’t change them and I wouldn’t want to honestly. Once you accept your flaws nobody can use them against you.

G is for Grandparents:

Ahh, grandparents! What would we do without them? They spoil us and give us ever-lasting wisdom. I was fortune enough to spend lots of time with both sides of my grandparents growing up. When I was little, I loved going to visit my grandma (dad’s mom) she lived a little further out from where we did at the time. So back then, traveling there was a mini adventure that I loved taking. I still remember a time my grandma and I were heading back to her house and it was like 6pm or later. The truck we rode in didn’t have AC so we had the windows rolled down and we were driving on this curvy road and there was a part in the road where you could clearly see the town/city nearby. It was late at night of course, so the entire area was lit up and it looked so beautiful! My grandma and grandpa used to have my cousins Morgan, Marley, and I at the house at once. So three 3 M’s in one house wasn’t the best idea!

I’ve always been close to my nana and papaw (mom’s side) mostly because they lived a lot closer. I remember doing a LOT of different things while at my nana’s with my sister and our cousins. We used to play in the dirt with spoons, like we were digging for treasure. We also did quite a few arts and crafts stuff too. Play-Doh, bubbles, and chalk were a godsend to my nana back then!  I think as we got older, we each got a different trait for each of them. We all have a strong love for basketball, trains, anything Native American, and animals.


H is for History:

I am a history buff. So much of the world’s history is literally so interesting. You can catch me watching Travel and History channels every once in a while. It kind of baffles me that everything we do in our daily lives could possibly end up in our future grandchildren’s history books. It’s not like they have enough to learn in school as it is, but it’s kind of cool! I love anything from dinosaurs, Egypt, Pompeii, the Victorian era, Greek mythology, Romanov dynasty, and others but I can’t help what else at the moment. Maybe one of these days I’ll make a blog post of everything that I’m obsessed over.

I is for Imagination:

It kind of freaks me out that when I was born, I had a generally small head like the other babies, but as soon as I started growing and learning to do things, my head started shaping into a weird way. I look like I have an alien head! I’ve always had a large imagination. I could somehow merge to things that didn’t go together and then somehow dream about it. I would take things like animated movies with real life situations and put them together. I don’t do that anymore but I do pull different people’s faces and personalities (and sometimes voices!) and create a totally new scenario. That’s the one thing that won’t become a blog post because it’s REALLY heard to explain!

J is for Jovial:

Jovial means cheerful and friendly, for those of you that didn’t know that. I’m going with direction of cheerful for this word. On my good days, I’ve been know to be pretty cheerful. I love building people up and getting them excited or just getting them to think about the good stuff instead of the bad. I’m also the person to try to distract them as well!

K is for Knowledgeable:

I am very knowledgeable. It kind of goes with the knowing a lot of history at one time too. Life gives you a lot of lessons and it’s really important to keep a few of those in mind as you get older. I always want to know more than perhaps I should, but I love it nonetheless.

L is for Loner:

I am a loner. As much as I love being around people, being by myself in my room or some place that’s nice and calm, it’s like a mini oasis. I hate some of the things my mind will come up with on a daily basis, but getting lost in space for several minutes can be relaxing. I like observing my surroundings and being quiet than loud and obnoxious.

M is for Motorcycles:

My dad will be very happy that I selected this word for this letter. Motorcycles are a big part of my life, always have been! I’ve known about Harley Davidson motorcycles since I was a baby. I’ve had so many HD shirts in my lifetime. I used to call my first wheelchair a motorcycle because my dad put a Harley Davidson sticker on the side of it. My dad’s had two different bikes, and we’re so excited to going to Plummer again at the end of the summer! My mom and dad are going to Boogie sometime in June. I can’t go there because of the hills, nobody thinks my wheelchair can take it. He also likes the fact that his motor of his bike, that has a skull on it is the main picture on my phone.

N is for Names:

I have a serious obsession with names. I love them! It didn’t start to get so crazy until I started looking at our local newspaper and reading all of the names. My most favorite name I remember liking was “Symphony Marie” and the only name that has ever made me look like a total dumbass was “Brisun” I thought it wasn’t pronounced as it looks, so my nana and I were making it harder than it should’ve been, so my mom set us straight and told us that it was “Bryson” but not in that spelling! I have quite a collection of names of my own.

Esme, Lachlan, Otto, Nina, John, Freya, Cheryl, Leah, Mariah, Reverie, Owen, Milo, Clementine, Ava, Elizabeth, Noah, Mae, Stella, Alexandra, Henry, Eleanor, Hayden, Olivia, Mason, Anouk,, Zara, and Lilianna.

O is for One Direction:

I think you all should know this by now. If you haven’t noticed though, with every music act I ever get attached to, I do get to the point where I talk about them too much and push people away. I don’t mean to, but yet it happens anyways. Niam. ♥

P is for Photography:

I am really into photography! This is going to come as a shock to a few people, but as a baby I was very photogenic, but towards the my kid stage (9-12) I kind of hated it. Teenage years I went back to liking myself in pictures again and I’m still the same now. I like being the one taking the pictures though. I am the only one on the grandkids side that still does selfies. I still love it!

Q is for Questions:

This is actually going to be a future blog post, well at least the topic will. I am always asking questions to the most obvious to the stupidest. So I apologize in advance if you are the person I ask it to. I also love being asked questions, at least the ones I actually know the answers to. I’m very open about wanting people and children to ask me questions out in public or online, because I think it’s important for them to know the truth and it’s a lot better than being stared at.

R is for Rare:

I choose the word “rare” for this letter because I live with a rare disease. Arthrogryposis and if you don’t know what it is, it’s simply a joint disease. My arms are bent at the elbow and both my arms, fingers, and legs are very skinny. That’s why at a young age I had to learn how to do things with my feet instead of my hands.

S is for Symphonic Metal:

I’m obsessed with female fronted bands, like hardcore. Even though my iPod only has this genre only called “metal.” Symphonic metal is the best! I got into the whole lot in 2010, a year after I officially got into bands like Linkin Park, In This Moment, and My Darkest Days. My love for symphonic metal didn’t necessarily start at that time though, it started in 2004 when I became a fan of Evanescence. Now a lot of people think Evanescence shouldn’t be considered in the genre but I disagree. In 2012, I started listening to Sirius XM Octane and they played Within Temptation’s “What Have You Done” and Nightwish’s “Ghost River” and the rest is history. I’ve talked about quite a few of my favorite symphonic metal bands on here and with my family.

The reason why I’m so into SM is because I love the use of orchestra instruments and choirs singing in different languages (mostly Latin) and of course with female singers their voices are more higher than the average pop singer. If you need suggestions on where to start: Within Temptation and Delain are good starters. Kamelot is progressive/symphonic metal with a male singer and background female singers and Sirenia are good bands to listen before you go into the “big dogs” as I like to call them. Nightwish, Epica, Leaves’ Eyes, and later Xandria are the best that I’ve found through my journey.

T is for Talkative:

People like to talk, I like to ramble on and on. Read above if you don’t believe me! 😉

U is for UK:

I’m literally addicted to the UK, I sooooo want to visit there. If I could ever live in England though, I’d love to London one day. I have so many friends from different areas that I know majority of the differences between America and Britain. Can I move now?

V is for Vlogs:

Really? You already know I’m hooked. If I could figure out to do the video on my camera, I may do those hauls that I see other people do too. One day I’d like to start daily vlogging too, but that’s deep into the future.

W is for Wheelchairs:

I’ve only had two wheelchairs in my twenty something years. You’re only supposed to have one for five years total, but I go over that big time. I had my first wheelchair for 10 years, I got it when I was four years old! That’s when my love for speed, ramps, and going into puddles/mud really started. It was also there that running over people’s feet was a freaking blast! I was a rebel child I swear! When I was 14 though, like maybe a week after Christmas was over, my dad surprised me with a new wheelchair. It was hot pink and I hated it! Everything else about it was great, I’m still waiting for the “ok” to get my third wheelchair but we’ve been waiting for 2 years now.

X is for Xenodochial:

Thankfully I had some help for this letter! My friend Savannah put a screen shot of different words and meanings, this one sounded more like me so I picked it! I’ve always been friendly towards others, even as a baby. I love going out to the mall or Wal-Mart and seeing people, I usually try to pass everyone with a smile or giving them a compliment. I am extremely friendly with kids. They seem to get a kick of my wheelchair and when they realize I can talk and I’m waving with my feet, their faces are priceless sometimes! They don’t know what to do!

Y is for Young:

I’m young at heart. I’ve got over 26 Disney animated movies on my DVR and has been known to hum a few of songs in the car too.

Z is for Zealous:

This was another word that came from a friend of mine. Chantal picked this out because I’m very enthusiastic! I do have to agree with her, because for different things like some I’ve just named above I get so into and turn into a weird person.

Blogs That I Love #18


I can’t believe I haven’t done this until now. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been reading any new blogs this month. It’s just been the same old, same old even though I follow like over 600 blogs on my Bloglovin account. I think I like saving them than reading honestly. I’ve been so into watching vlogs lately that reading my favorite and new blogs has been put on the back burner. I hate it, but that is what’s happening at the moment. Speaking of vlogs, next week will be the my favorite Vloggers for this month! If you’re not following any of these I suggest you do so!

  1. The Stylish Confessions – Malu is Dutch fashion and beauty blogger. I hate to say this, but I didn’t find her blog first. I found her funny One Direction edits on YouTube, but it lead me to find her Twitter AND then her blog! First off, I love her name. Malu. I love her, she’s so beautiful! Everytime she does posts about her outfits, you wish you could have everything she’s wearing plus a closet big enough for all those clothes! Mine, unfortunately isn’t enough for anything she wears! I think her celebrity twin is Olivia Wilde.
  2. Dear Ms. Leigh – Rachael is originally from England, but she’s been living in Michigan. Just a little ways from me! She is a lifestyle blogger that loves to talk about vintage, food, books, and being an expat. She is incredibly sweet and we’ve had quite a few good chats on Twitter every now and then.
  3. Girl VS. Globe – Sabina is a travel blogger, and I’ve got to say I don’t focus my attention on travel bloggers on here a lot. I don’t know why because I love them just as much as my lifestyle bloggers. Anyways, this girl is like a couple of years younger than me but she acts a lot older than I thought she was, which usually happens! She does a lot of other posts that are relating to traveling, like budgeting for trips. She also writes about topics relating to life too! I love how she just packs up and goes to another place and blogs about it. I would LOVE to do that someday, but I know the wheelchair will get in the way of that.
  4. Starla Says – I have to say this. Monday I posted on my Twitter that I was planning on doing this post and asked who wanted to be included, usually nobody answers me and I get maybe a couple of favorites and that’s it, but Mariah wrote me back and of course, I gotta include her! I found her blog as part of the end of a blog chat a few months ago. She is so sweet! She’s from London, and mostly blogs about lifestyle and healthy living!


Life Lately | Cattoos & Snow


Oh boy! Not much has happened in the last few days, but I’ve got a couple of pictures that don’t really belong in anything but a “Life Lately” post, so that is what I am doing!

Last week, my mom and sister decided to get matching tattoos. This would be Blondie’s fifth and our mom’s second tattoo. Yes, you read that right. My mom only has one other tattoo that she got a year or two before I was born. It’s on the side of her ankle. My papaw was not a fan of tattoos back in the day so she used to wear a band-aid on it at the beginning before just letting it go, he still teases her that she’s got something on her leg. They got them done on Thursday by our favorite tatted lady, Tracy. She still wants me to come in and get one. Apparently she and my mom have discussed this how things really feel on my body since I don’t have any muscle/fat. My mom still thinks I want one my feet, no thank you! I’m so afraid of anything now that I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it. I like to admire them from a distance. Anyways, they each got an outline of a cat on different areas of their bodies. My sister actually created a word, she put on her Facebook that they were getting cattoos. My mom got hers on the back of her neck and Blondie got hers on the inside of her right arm. She has been wanting a sleeve, so I think that might be the start of it.

Nothing really happened Friday, my mom had to work. Come Saturday though, since it was Valentine’s Day I didn’t think I’d even get anything. I really didn’t say anything bad about during the week. I was pretty good at keeping that to myself but that morning, good grief! Everybody’s statuses to their boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses got on my nerves quick. I got up at 9am, everybody was still asleep until my dad heard my TV on and came in, found out that he got me an apple fritter. I thought that was going to be my gift and I was completely fine with that, until my mom got up, and my dad gave me this card. I liked it because the card is something that they would get me, I’m just happy the word “inspirational” wasn’t in it. One thing that I really like about it, was the girl on the front was wearing purple and had a string in her foot, but it was only part of the background. My sister and Batman were also supposed to come over too, but they decided to go back after visiting with our grandparents because the roads were getting slick. Since they left, mom had to give me her gift to me. It is a cute little teddy bear! It smells like her! When the hair by his eyes is facing down, it makes his eyes look more adorable. His name is Roux by the way!

I spent half of my nights in the garage with everybody, watching the guys play pool and watch the basketball games on the TV. While I had a good Valentine’s Day I thought I’d get something for myself, I had my mom get me an iTunes card. My laptop had to do its update and I thought that would be a good idea to do. Well, when I loaded it back up, things were different. All of my music was gone. iTunes kept my purchased songs and put them on this iCloud thingy? Since I didn’t have sissy with me, I had to settle with mom which wasn’t a good idea because she was just as clueless as I was. At first, my iPod wouldn’t charge when I plugged it. After like five hours trying to figure it out, plus going on iTunes support discussion board. I gave up on it. When I woke up Sunday morning, I knew I was going to have to figure out something because my dad wanted me to burn CDs for him and his friends, and charge up my iPod in the process. It will still charge up my iPod and burn CDs but none of my music is on library, I bought one song on V-day but it won’t sync to my iPod. I don’t remember clicking anything to do upgrade or whatever. If anybody knows what the hell has happened, please comment below!

Sunday night while we were out in the garage, basically everybody in there was tracking the snow blizzard that was heading straight towards us and it was a long sucker! It was supposed to start snowing at like 4-5pm Sunday as what my dad said, but it didn’t sprinkling snow until like 10:30pm. When I woke up Monday morning and my mom came into my room, she opened up my blind and both cars were covered with a nice thick blanket of snow. It had snowed ALL day long! I’ve never wanted to go outside more in my life. Everybody who has a daughter and watches Frozen have been posting statuses about building snowmen. My mom did put me in the push wheelchair and opened up the front door so I could see the porch. It was insane! My dad hadn’t gone out there like two hours before and swept it and there was already a blanket of snow covering every inch of the porch. The sun went down about 6:30pm so afterwards I couldn’t tell if it was still snowing or not. My mom said there had to been six inches outside! My dad hates it that everybody has named these winter storms. This is winter storm Octavia.

I’ve finally finished NBC’s new show The Slap. My mom taped that for me last Thursday and I didn’t even have to tell her! I like anything that has Zachary Quinto in it. I don’t care if he’s gay, the scruff looks amazing on him! I also finished August: Osage County. It has Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Juliette Lewis, Benedict Cumberbatch in it. I had to stop at the part where Benedict’s character comes on, because I was like is that who I think it is? Two hours after going on my laptop to find out and getting distracted, I found out that it was him! It was a good movie, kind of sad though. I definitely don’t like how it ended. Now I’m just trying to finish Edge Of Tomorrow and out of all the actors in the world, why did they have to cast Tom Cruise in this movie? The movie reminds me of a video game. If you’ve watched it, you might agree with me about this. Everybody else, watch it, you’ll understand! So yeah, that’s been last few days that I thought I’d tell you. Enjoy the pictures too!

my mom's cattoo.
my mom’s cattoo
Blondie's cattoo.
Blondie’s cattoo.
Little Roux.
Little Roux.


My dad got my mom a rose, card and Blondie got her a heart shaped Reese's cup.
My dad got my mom a rose, card and Blondie got her a heart shaped Reese’s cup. My sister got my dad beef jerky.
Anybody know where the hell the road went?
Anybody know where the hell the road went?