It’s Not Halloween Without…

You know, it’s not Halloween without your favorite Halloween songs your parents, teachers, or friends played throughout the month. I remember a lot of Halloween memories, but only three come to mind. The first was when I was in high school. During my senior year, my Grammar teacher, the person who got me started in blogging altogether. She had a fun day for us. We were going to play Grammar bingo. Most of the room was fill of guys, so they were excited we were going to be playing a game instead of doing sheet work. Before we did anything though, she told us that every Halloween in her classrooms she makes everybody watch Michael Jackson’s music video for “Thriller” and at that time, I had only watched that music video once and it was a long time ago. She turned off all the lights and I was thanking God I sat up in the front row, because I was scared. I never liked the music video. The song was awesome, but my fear of zombies was bad even then. Somehow I managed to be fine and didn’t freak out as I thought I would. Now ever since that day, I watch the music video for it every Halloween.

Another memory I have is going to a Girls Scout holiday party. Of course it was Halloween, but sadly I don’t remember much of this party. I think it was raining that afternoon, because I remember being under this wooden porch with a roof. I remember my mom and I meeting our troop leader when we first got there and she was playing “Monster Mash” and it is one of those songs, as a kid, it was fun to dance to and you only heard it once a year. This was the time before YouTube. So hearing it about a hundred times during the month of October was nice, it did get annoying at times, but oh well. Anyways, back to my memory. I remember all of us, walking out into this field. My mom had to carry me of course, and we were being told about this story about these witches and something about to be careful around your surroundings or something like that. I actually don’t remember that part, but I do remember our troop leader’s older son and his friends scaring the crap out of us and everybody running away, including my mom and I. Back then that was just mean, now it’s funny to tell.

These next two songs I don’t have specific memories to go with them. They’re just songs that you cannot go without hearing them on Halloween or throughout October. I’ve tried to watch each of these movies, but the movies are getting old and freezing up on you. They’ve been playing on ABC Family, but I keep forgetting to watch them. Honestly, every Disney based Halloween movie that I love to watch, like Halloweentown, Twitches and Beetlejuice, I have not watched at all this year. I’m pretty bummed at myself. I caught my mom watching Beetlejuice and I was going to watch it on my TV too, but I was so tired that night that I literally didn’t care. I think I’m losing the Halloween spirit. I just hope I don’t miss Charlie Brown and The Great pumpkin or I’ll be really depressed. My dad got candy for any trick-or-treaters tonight. He’s already told me, they’re not me. I told him we should at least hold back some of the suckers. It’s dad, he’s probably had one or two suckers already. What is your favorite Halloween song and candy as a kid?

Hello November =)

Well, here it is the last day of October. The fun holiday filled with scary costumes, the last of the horror movies, and candy that will rot your teeth. Everybody loves this holiday, it makes them feel like a kid again. There is no stopping age to go trick-or-treating. In 2011, the weekend before Halloween, my sister, cousin, and I went out trick-or-treating mostly because I wanted to, but I had to find somebody else to go too, so my parents kind of made my sister go and Kristi ended up just tagging along too. Emily didn’t like her costume, but I was in love with mine. Kristi and mom just walked behind us. I think I was the only one who had fun doing that get-up. I also had an awesome costume so who can beat that? I wanted to dress up this year, but plans for that never happened. I’m fine with that, I still want candy though.

I actually remember last November very well, it was not very exciting, like it should have been. In mid-November we usually get reports of snow fall and during Thanksgiving, it was fun, but not like it could have been unfortunately. This year, I’m hoping for some miracles. Snow and more family get together’s because I miss those last year, and I need a huge dinner full of laughter. That’s what Thanksgiving is supposed to be like with my family. I got to say though, I’m thinking we need a rematch on Just Dance. That was hilarious. We ate snack foods like fruits and veggies  around 6 or 7pm and then at 8 we all went into the living room and played Just Dance. It was awesome! I want to see mom and Laurie do a rematch. It was also cute to see my papaw dance by his walker too. We also didn’t get any snow until two days before December came around. I’m hoping for some more snow this time around. We only got snow three times last winter. It sucked, to say the least.

I’m hoping for a good month. Everybody hopes for the new month to be better than the last month. I’m just glad that all of the horror movie previews will be over. Even though I got to say, usually there’s like a bunch of horror movies being released during the month of October, and I only saw two previews. and only watched three sci-fi/action movies this month. Now I’m watching my only vampire/werewolves movie for today, Underworld: Awakening. I plan on watching Charlie Brown, and The Great Pumpkin today, if I remember that it’s on. I think Law & Order: SVU has a new episode tonight too. It’s going to be a LONG night of shows, but that’s good. Start of tomorrow is a new month, and new things. So goodbye October, and hello November.


“Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for.
There’s still strength left in us yet.
Hold on to the world we all remember dying for.
There’s still hope left in it yet.”
Arise by Flyleaf

Waking up yesterday morning, not really caring about how bad this Frankenstorm would get, but that all changed when I started reading the Facebook posts of different people sharing news of the storm around New York City and New Jersey. Seeing the pictures throughout the day of the clouds and flooding around NYC. I was concerned about my friends and their families living over there. I wasn’t that much of a prude. All it did yesterday was get very windy, however, not as windy as it got over there. It was much worse there than it was here. I tried to stay on a positive side, hoping God would watch over everybody there. Our satellites were acting up last night, but I was proud of myself because I hardly complained because I know they have no power over there. Two things that made me angry though. That big crane on a skyscraper in New York City. Everybody has been talking about this storm and Hurricane Sandy for almost a week now, but the crane looked like it could very well break at any moment and drop on another nearby building and kill a bunch of people who chose to stay in that other building. That leads to my other thing I didn’t like was people were told, this storm might get bad, but you still stayed around to be brave? That’s not bravery, that’s just being stupid. That’s all I’m going to say about that though.

It is 9am here and I awoke to a gloomy day. Which is fine, but I’m hoping it won’t be so bad as it was yesterday. I can deal with the rain, but storms altogether, not a fan of them. It is the aftermath of a strong storm that made its way our way. I watched Cities Of The Underworld two days before yesterday, and it was about New Orleans years after Hurricane Katrina. I hope the east coast doesn’t have to go through what the people in New Orleans had to go through. I’ve seen a few pictures of people just peeking out their doors to see how bad it looks outside. To see streets of New York City flooded is mind-blowing. I hope everything recovers and the flooding decreases. Everything will bounce back and go back to normal. Everybody’s just going to have to be patient. God can work wonders and if he can help with the rebuilding of New Orleans, then he can help with the cities and towns effected by Hurricane Sandy. Everybody’s just going to need prayers. I used a song by Flyleaf, called “Arise” and I thought the chorus would be a good to start out this post. I think it works with what’s going on, on the east coast.

Fall And Winter

I know, I’m a bit early to even have a turkey on here, since the month isn’t even over yet. It’s finally starting to get cold and stay at that temperature. Yesterday, when my mom and I were going outside to go to my nana’s, she asked my dad how cold it was outside. He told us, it wasn’t as cold as two days before. However, his body heat and the actual weather outside are two different things that he can’t tell the difference sometimes. We went outside and I quickly wanted to go back inside the house, because it was freaking chilly outside. It was pretty, with the trees and blue skies, but that is so a trap. I like fall/winter but the coldness itself sucks.

I hardly slept on my left side last night. That’s the side where my wall is, and I could feel the coldness, even if I wasn’t directly by the wall. Usually I keep my purple, fuzzy blanket by the wall for that reason, but what is going on with my sheet, that blanket keeps scooting down the bed by everybody else that tries to fix my sheet. It’s all a mess really. I sleep with my big comforter and it’s nice and huge, but it’s so old too. Last night, I had to sleep on my right side and my nose was stuffed up whenever I laid on my left side. My right elbow would hurt like crap if I stayed too long on my right side. Honestly, cold weather don’t mix well with me at night. I even got a lot of sleep too, but I had so many problems with staying comfortable. It was just a rough night that’s all. I’m just going to have to figure out how to deal with this weather for the next four and a half months. It’ll be worth it, if we actually got some snow this year too.


Sorry, I’ve been M.I.A. lately. I’ve been having trouble with different things and most of it, isn’t even worthy to talk about, to be perfectly honest with you. I’ve went to my nana’s twice this week. Been talking about different things. During the first day, my brain felt like it, it could explode at any moment. I had things to vent about and she let loose, so technically, we let our anger out and I’ve been feeling better ever since. Yesterday, was my second day and our topics went to new heights. I’m going to regret ever talking about Magic Mike to her again. She asked and I told her what the movie was about, I don’t know which one of us, regrets bringing up that question the most. I think it’s mutual. Anyways, it was a pretty good day. I even decided on a big decision yesterday. I will NOT be having my first alcoholic drink on my birthday, or ever. If I can keep myself away from it now, then I can control myself from ever having it at all.

Last night, I took a nap around 5pm, and my dad came in and asked me how long I wanted to sleep. I told him I only wanted to sleep for an hour. My mom wakes me up at 8pm. I had a three-hour nap. I was for sure, I was doomed for ever sleeping that night. After I ate and watched some TV for an hour. I was still tired as crap. So before it even turned 10, I asked my parents if they could tape my Blue Bloods and I went back to bed. I remember waking up once, I think it was at 4am. I went back to sleep, somehow, and woke back up at 7am and haven’t passed out yet. Something that drives me crazy, I’ll wake up in the morning, hungry, but I’ll still watch Cooking or Food Networks. I’m a little crazy, and this morning was no exception looks like. In Poland, they have their first snow of the season. I’m kind of jealous, because I love snow, but I don’t want any until after next week. I’ll just count it as a late birthday present from God. Well, I hope today treats everybody well. (: