Roll With Me: The Perfect Getaway/Alternative Fashion Haul

Have you ever looked out your cars windows and thought the sky ahead looked like fresh new painting? Have you ever looked at the ground that you were slowly passing by and notice that there were three shades of green? These are just two thoughts that came to me this afternoon as we were coming home from our little family adventure. It’s kind of funny that this even happened because it has done nothing but rain and storm for the past few days now. Weirdly enough, as we were on our way home it was actually raining! We literally got home just in time before the small storm came through. The sun has come out a few times and it made the day all that much better for us all. I like being out of the house, but being out of our hometown does something else too. It makes things even interesting to kind of hope not to run into anybody you know because you know if you do, your parents embarrass the living crap out of you. For me though, I’ve just learned to ignore those feeling of insecurity. They say that Holiday World is the perfect getaway, I highly disagree with that!

It’s absolutely hilarious that when my sister and I go shopping, we each have different styles and complaints about one another. We’re sisters, it’s normal to be like that! I mean, we don’t yell at each other for our clothes that we choose. However, when she calls herself fat that’s when I find the urge to yell at her because she’s not that at all. She’s very into the floral, light, and jeans fandom. Her favorite stores are Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe but we only went into Forever 21 this time around. Our normal stores we go into were the ones we actually never made it to them. The only store we went into that’s basically a tradition for my dad and I, we like to end our day by going into the candy store and finding sweet treats to rot our teeth with, and this time we got to expand our tastes. He let me get chocolate covered pretzels this time around and I’m proud to say they did not melt on the way home. Just don’t ask me about the sour fruit roll ups, because I have no clue if they made it or not. I think the trip all around was pretty successful, between thinking we weren’t going to go when I got up this morning since it was cloudy as crap. I have been working with my nana doing odd jobs for her and basically spent $70 worth of stuff in literally two stores!

Now to talk about what I got, I wanted to put it together with another thing. The ladies (Mel and Michele) that run Ketchup With Us are doing a lists theme for the whole month of June! So I decided to incorporate what I bought at the mall into this little thing. So it’s a two-for-one deal in a nutshell! The two stores that I went into and bought stuff was at Hot Topic and Spencer’s. I almost bought two different floral leggings at both Tilly’s and Forever 21. I am LOVING these floral designs especially the sunflower and daisy designs. The only downfall is I have nothing that would go with them than a black shirt. At the end of our day, I asked my mom how much money I had left and we literally right by Tilly’s again and I was just tempted to go inside and buy them but considering I only had $3 left, I knew there wouldn’t be any way that I’d ask my parents to pay especially since they were definitely done walking for the day. So I didn’t get those leggings and this is probably the first time ever that I didn’t buy any leggings at all. Yeah, even I was surprised!

I’ve been really into the band Of Mice & Men for about six or seven months now. For anybody thinking in their hands right now, yes I went into Tilly’s to see if they had any Austin Carile shirts in the store. They unfortunately didn’t, but while we went into my ultimate favorite store Hot Topic, my main attention was to find Of Mice & Men shirts and they had a LOT to choose from and I was excited! Since they were having a sale I bought one and got another one whatever percent off. Whenever my mom went up to pay I decided to go wait by the door to make sure I could get out without tipping anything over. My mom came back and told me that the cashier wanted to show me something. She showed me the small tattoo of the “&” symbol and I was SO happy because as soon as she saw my reaction she started telling us about how much fun seeing them, Bring Me The Horizon, Issues on the American Dream Tour. She said that she had a hard time containing herself around the younger girls that were fangirling uncontrollably. I could literally live in that place and just talk to her and listen to the amazing music that was playing.

While my sister was in the middle of shopping at her favorite Forever 21, I’m sorry but every time I go into there I always wish that I had dried mud on my tires just to create a little something to take away the damn brightness of that place. It is absolutely too girly in there for me. So my dad came in to take me into Spencer’s. I like the clothes in there mostly the music tees and graphic tees covered in skulls and flowers. We did find the mother load of different Sons Of Anarchy stuff. I was very tempted to buy the Jax Teller blanket I am not going to lie! I ended up finding the jewelry part and was memorized with all of the skulls and gothic stuff that I could just stayed in that area all day if it wasn’t for the stuff on the opposite side of us. I ended up buying a small pack of different black and silver bracelets and when we found out that they were having a sale too, I ended up getting the necklace that I pointed out to dad before we found mom. It looks very gothic and considering years ago I would never wear black, anything with skulls or anything else that was related to the gothic style just smacks me right in the face every time.

This was the first one we found and I like the song "You're Not Alone" a LOT! So I had to get this one just for the song and what it represents to me.
1.) This was the first one we found and I like the song “You’re Not Alone” a LOT! So I had to get this one just for the song and what it represents to me. To buy this top click on the image!
2.) This was the second shirt and I totally forgot to feel the symbol for my hands as they are very senstive to different textures especially anything with glitter. It's got gold glitter and the picture doesn't do it justice at all. If you want to buy this top, click the image!
2.) This was the second shirt and I totally forgot to feel the symbol for my hands as they are very sensitive to different textures especially anything with glitter. It’s got gold glitter and the picture doesn’t do it justice at all. If you want to buy this top, click the image!
3.) FIVE bracelets in one small little package. Not a bad deal honestly. After we paid for them my mom was concerned that they won't stretch around my ankle but they do! Thank god! Sorry but I couldn't them on the website!
3.) FIVE bracelets in one small little package. Not a bad deal honestly. After we paid for them my mom was concerned that they won’t stretch around my ankle but they do! Thank god! Sorry but I couldn’t them on the website!
4.) This beautiful piece was the first to really catch my eye. I saw a few like this one on different sites and I'm glad I found one like them in the store. I love the black rose and the thornst a lot. If you want to buy this piece, click on the image!
4.) This beautiful piece was the first to really catch my eye. I saw a few like this one on different sites and I’m glad I found one like them in the store. I love the black rose and the thorns a lot. If you want to buy this piece, click on the image!

For just the heck of it, I’ll even share a song from a band that I have never heard of until today while we were in Hot Topic. The band Chelsea Grin was playing in the store just as we were about to leave and I was seriously headbanging throughout the whole damn song. I literally told my mom that when I got home I was going to put it on my Spotitfy playlist. As soon as I got home, it was the third thing I did and I even liked and added a few others into my rock/metal playlist too. I always find a good song in the different stores I go into, but Hot Topic always has the best music playing. Sorry!

Tune Tuesday: Africa


It’s the second week of Tune Tuesday Music Travel. I just made that up on the spot! I still don’t know what to call this exactly, I think that works. What do you think? I’ve decided to go about this in aphetically order, to keep everything separate and make things less confusing to me. There are like three countries that were on the original post I did two weeks ago that had to be left out because I don’t know anybody in those countries. So we are headed to Africa! What everybody thinks about when you say “Africa” are the animals out in the wild. Lions, Antelope, and Zebras are the first to come to mind for me. One of my favorite countries, Egypt is there. I love the history there! I’ve always loved the mysteries, beliefs, and culture of the people who live there. I’m pretty sure I’ve watched every special on TV that has to do with ancient Egypt, not even kidding either! Did you know that actress Charlize Therion is from South Africa? I bet you didn’t know the rock band Seether is also from South Africa as well? They are!! The sad part is I’ve known Charlize was from there for a couple of years now, but just found out about Seether like five months ago! Oops!

Seether are a really, really good band! I’ve been listening to them for years! I’m more of a fan of their singles, even though I have actually tried to listen to their albums before. I have listened to Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray that they released in 2011. I think I fell in love with them when their song “Broken” came out. I was a big Evanescene fan (I still am!) and I just loved everything about it, even my parents liked it. Every once in a while my dad will whistle it while we’re in the car. A few months ago, my mom was looking for new songs to get her woken up and one of my dad’s friends suggested she listen to “Country Song” and I’m pretty sure after her first listen she was hooked. I’ve been hooked to it since I heard it on the radio. It’s very different from other rock songs I’m used to hearing and of course, I heard the introduction and saw the title and immediately thought I wouldn’t like it. My cousin used to have a cat named Seether Ann too. For some odd reason both names actually work well together. I was wrong! I’ve decided to share two of my favorite songs on here. What are you favorite Seether tracks?

Careless Whisper by Seether

Rise Above This by Seether