Blogs That I Love #15


It’s been a while since I’ve done a “Blogs That I Love” post. I’ve been thinking of doing at least two more weeks of these before the year is up. I’m not doing a big one of them all because that would be a disaster. I’m already doing too much in those few days as it is, so I’m opting out of it. I’ve got to say though, since starting these things over the summer has brought me more joy than anything else. Picking and focusing on these selected few to be featured on my blog is so fun to do. Like I say everytime I post one up, I don’t do it to get anything else out of it. It’s just something to build other bloggers and sites up and if they were having a bad day or week, it’s just a nice gesture from another blogger to say “your blog is awesome” and that’s important to hear from others sometimes. These blogs are my favorites of this week. If you haven’t followed them yet, I suggest you do so! Enjoy!

  1. Flat Eleven – Kelly has been one of my favorites for a while. I kind of feel bad that it’s taken so long to get her and blog onto one of these posts. I found her blog over the summer. At first, I would read it every now and then. I wasn’t too into like I am right now. It wasn’t her writing style, I think it had to do with her theme/layout that was sort of my problem. I could barely read it before, but now I have no problem. Kelly is an American, but she lives in London. She is a beauty, fashion, lifestyle blogger but occasions she’ll write about her travels and food! When she blogged about her honeymoon in Hawaii, I was in awe of her beautiful pictures. She is so lovely and sweet!
  2. Fresh & Fearless – This next blogger is kind of special to me, he’s my first male blogger that I’ve ever been friends with since finding the flood of bloggers last spring. Aftab is from England and is an awesome person, but if you’re not careful though he will wake up your hunger in the early mornings. He is a beauty, fashion, lifestyle blogger too! He does a LOT of food posts too. If you’re looking for a place to eat in London or surrounding that area, I’m pretty sure he might have some suggestions and reviews you could read on his blog. Aftab is so sweet and I enjoy talking to him on Twitter too.
  3. Smoon Style – Simone Simons is the lead singer of Dutch symphonic metal band Epica. She is also a blogger too! I recently found her blog I think the same time I found everybody else, over the summer. She’s a beauty blogger, but likes to talk about her life on the road, fashion and of course food! She’s a makeup artist and a new mommy she now lives in Germany. I’ll be honest I only read her blog here and there, not because it’s not any good. It’s a great blog to read, but with always finding new blogs certain ones don’t get the attention they deserve. Sadly this is the only one of the bunch were I’ve never commented on because I don’t know how, so I’ve never talked to her personally like everybody else, but maybe one day I will! If you’re into beauty and food, you will love this blog!

