Tune Tuesday #4

I just wanted to thank everybody who visits my blog, whether it’s on a daily basis or this is your first time on it. Thank you for the three amazing years and hopefully more to come! I am really happy to still be going on with this blog after all this time and even though I am going through a little bit of a dry spell right now, I’ve still loved every view, comment, and like you do on here. I always appreciate your thoughts and feelings in my posts. So happy third blogsiversary and thanks for the 70,000 hit you guys did over the weekend. Maybe next we’ll hit 80, 90, or maybe 100,000 views. Dear God, that would be cool and weird! Just never thought my little baby blog would ever hit that big of a number in my life. It’s all because of you all! Okay, onto this week’s Tune Tuesday!

Last week I said I was thinking about having two different themes in one post for Tune Tuesday. I posted two songs from a mellow pop/rock side and the other was from Disney classics. I didn’t want to break my promise that I said the last time so we’re keeping it. I heard this one first one on the radio a couple of weeks ago. I heard the female singer and thought to myself, “is that Taylor Swift?” The girl doing the vocals along with the male singer sounds somewhat like Taylor Swift. It’s kind of creepy! The other song is from a movie that some of us might think is underrated, as there are certain parts that should be recognized like the fact that the female character is very strong-willed and cares about others more than herself. The main character of the movie has never been out of the church and has been told lies of the outside world since he was a baby by his master. Do you know what movie I am talking about yet? My last feature will be back when another one of my favorites releases an album.

Be Okay by Oh Honey

The Bells of Notre Dame by David Ogden Stiers 
