REVIEW | Supergirl

I think I should mention this before we even start this review. I’m going to be VERY honest with this so no if you disagree with me that’s fine, just keep it to yourself.

I’m still slightly confused why I decided to record this Monday night. I hadn’t heard much about it, only that Claire Holt was up for the main role and Jenna Dewan-Tatum was going to play Lois Lane’s sister Lucy Lane on the show. I didn’t think I would watch it after what happened when I watched Man Of Steel for the first time. If you want to know what that’s about just read this. I didn’t have any expectations for it and I decided to look at that as a good thing and see what all the fuss was about and I’m glad I did since that’s what everybody is talking about the day after!

I hope I don’t give too much away, but it’s about a young girl named Kara Zor-El who is a cousin of Kal El, aka Superman. She was sent to look after him just before their home planet was to explode. She has all of the same powers as Superman, but after Krypton was destroyed her shuddle was thrown off course and she was trapped in space. When she did make it back to Earth, the world already knew of Superman and his powers so he sent Kara to live with a foster family. She decided to become a normal person, so she is somebody’s assistant at a big newspaper company. She only breaks her normal life to save her sister Alex and other passengers on board a plane that’s about to crash, and after that everybody finds out they have another superhero on their hands. Not everybody is happy about it of course! I’ve decided to leave it like that, a little cliffhanger!

First thing, the whole storyline isn’t that bad. There were a lot of things in the pilot episode that I liked, but of course I also had a lot that I hated about it too! When I first heard about the show, I thought Supergirl? She’s going to be a teenager, baby sister to Superman. I thought she was going to be a lot younger, around 15 or 16 years old and had a lot of knowledge about Krypton and their families and basically save the world right along Kal, but like always I was wrong! She’s my age and living a normal life. Which is fine, but she’s a 24 year old woman not a girl. What I was looking for were the younger years of when she was busy adjusting to life on Earth not being a protection for baby Kal like she was supposed to, how was family life like after seeing her home being blown up? How did she control her powers? What was it like with her and older sister Alex like, especially when Alex was recruited into that agency? And maybe we’ll see that later on in the season, I doubt it since the story is pretty big without it.

I understand that there are big differences between the superhero films converting into TV shows, most importantly the ways of special effects. I had to readjust to it when Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiered on ABC (and I know it’s not right to compare Marvel and DC Comics but at some point we all do!) the funny thing was, the special effects used in that show doesn’t necessarily look computer generated, it basically look real in almost every scene. So when I was watching this show, I felt as though it was corny. I’ve seen a lot of shows that use big effects and I have to say this was my least favorite out of every show. Every time they would go to show Supergirl flying and fighting scenes would be WAY too fast and I wasn’t like excited to see her in the whole rescuing frame of mind. It almost went too fast, the whole show and maybe it was because I was watching it through my DVR and I don’t know.

I don’t really have an opinion on the cast except for Laura Benanti as a villain role? Perfect!! I am seriously so stoked to see her as the ultimate evil person to this new superhero. I know a LOT of people watched the first episode and apparently liked it, but I was unimpressed. However I am going to watch the second episode next Monday. I want to see what happens and see if things can get better or not.

Okay, your turn! What do you think of Supergirl?

Seen & Heard | October

shHappy Halloween!

Last month I wasn’t in the mood to watch anything it seemed. I’m happy to say October was the total opposite. It took me a bit but I finally started finding different movies, specials, and TV shows to keep me occupied at night.

There’s nothing better to watch in the month of October is horror films right? Well, I’m not a horror kind of girl. So movies like Beetlejuice and Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders have worked perfectly for me! Unfortunately those have been the only Halloweenie films I’ve been recorded lately! I’ve been trying to find Zombie Island of the special Scooby-Doo films, but no luck. However I did find Witch’s Ghost that’ll be on tomorrow morning on my birthday! Besides it being October and the wanting to watch something spooky, we recently had the infamous “Back To The Future” day, Dr. Emmett Brown takes Marty and Jennifer to 2015 from 1985. I’ve been trying to finish the first and second films since the 21st. Did anybody watch Jimmy Kimmel the night of? That was so unbelievably cool!

As far as other movies I’ve watched or recorded this month, there’s this movie Lucy, with Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. When I first saw the trailer for this film, I was like “ooh, this looks awesome!” It was more so cool! It’s a bit hard to explain what it’s about and what is going on with this character “Lucy” but any movie where Scarlett becomes this powerhouse, you can’t deny yourself to it! I’ve been trying my hardest to get my dad to watch it because he’s also been looking forward to it too! Another film I’ve been looking forward to watching was from a book I’ve been wanting to get, it’s called Still Alice with Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, and Kristen Stewart. I already had high expectations for this movie even though I’d never read the book, this was so great! I didn’t necessarily cry like I thought I would, but I thought Julianne Moore deserved an Oscar for this role and the next morning my mom told she did in fact win an Oscar for it! I watched both of these movies in the same morning!

Mid-October, a little bit before my family came down for the weekend our movie channels had a free weekend of both HBO and Cinnemax. We already have HBO so it was nice to have like five extra channels of basically the same films that HBO plays, still patiently waiting for the day Fifty Shades of Grey show up on HBO. It’s been on the Demand previews as new releases on HBO, still haven’t watched it. While we had these other channels I recorded only a couple of movies in the four out of five days, Take The Lead, Transformers, and Focus. I L-O-V-E Take The Lead so much! It’s just another excuse to see Jenna Dewan-Tatum dance again honestly! A couple of days before I taped the first Transformers, Spike premiered the second installment Revenge Of The Fallen and since I have somehow missing that, I had to tape both of them. The first Transformers film is the only one my nana hasn’t seen yet! I’ve actually watched it less than five times since I got started on them. I officially have all the Transformers movies on my DVR too!

And lastly, I’m actually a small fan of Amy Schumer. I can tolerate her, there are a LOT of comedians now that I cannot stand, comedy now has changed in a lot of ways over the past few years. I have trouble getting into comedy movies because I don’t get the humor. My sister is the type of person where she’ll laugh at anything. She will find vines and snapchats and they might be the randomest things ever and she’d just laugh her butt off and I’d be giving her a weird look. I love the Live at wherever shows and I saw that she was finally having one at the Apollo and I knew I was going to miss it because it premiered the same night my family was down so I recorded instead. I was home that Sunday and I watched it that night. It was actually pretty hilarious but that crowd sucked. That ending was the best I’ve ever seen though! Oh my god, too funny!

I haven’t reviewed as much as I thought I would, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been listening to new music. I reviewed Selena Gomez new album Revival earlier this month. I still like that about the same as the first time I heard it. I still need to finish listening to Demi Lovato’s new album Confident but the one that actually weirded me out a bit was MGK’s second album General Admission. It’s pretty good and I listen to VERY little rap nowadays, but I was really impressed with it. Adele’s new song “Hello” is absolutely gorgeous! Hopefully next month I’ll do more reviews!