Is It Too Early?

10430483_10153611672514358_546331830631413650_nI saw this on Facebook and I had to use it on a blog post. Leave it to me to find the most random shit to be used as inspiration to start a post honestly! However, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this was, is it too early to be saying this? I remember in 2010 we were out of school for like two separate weeks between the end of January and beginning of February. The only reasons why I still remember it was because I missed working on my LP drawings in art class and everybody in my entire graduating class was freaking out that we’d have to push back our graduation until the middle of June. We didn’t, thank god!

Our snow blizzards in the Midwest can still happen though, from the mid-Jan to the end of March is when our snow mostly happens and everybody keeps forgetting that! So even though, we never got the worst of Winter Storm Juno, it doesn’t mean we won’t get Winter Storms Kari, Linus, and Marcus! I was looking at the list of the storm’s names and I can’t help but wonder about the outcome of both Winter Storm Pandora and Thor! I doubt we’ll ever see those blizzards in our neck of the woods, but they’ll happen somewhere! Of course, this weekend it’s supposed to snow like hell Saturday night I think? I’m technically not looking forward to it, but I would like to be able to see some snow on the ground!

So we’ve had a little bit of snow and a lot of sickness in our house! My poor mom’s just now getting over hers and my dad and I are basically on the lookout to see which one of us it’ll possess next. I’m talking like it’s a damn demon, but in a way it kind of is! It makes everybody in my family a little bit more paranoid than usual. Thursday was kind of strange for me. I couldn’t find anything interesting on TV and music wasn’t making me happy either, so after mom came home from work we both took an hour nap. After that, I felt lots better! With all of the sickness going around, I’ve been doing good of not fighting the urge to chill out in bed. I’ve be staying offline, lounging in bed and watching TV like none other!

Something that you might not know about me is that there are a LOT of classic cult movies that I have never seen before! I’ve tried to watch both Sixteen Candles and Breakfast At Tiffany’s but I can’t watch them all the way through. Earlier this week, my mom had decided to record the movie Steel Magnolias on the Sundance channel. Since I’ve been in this BIG movie mood for the past month and a half I can basically watch anything! I have seen parts of this movie but like I said before, never all of it at one time. I think it was Tuesday I watched it. I literally devoted myself to it for two hours – it even had commercials and I still couldn’t turn it off!

The story was funny and sad. I got a good cry out of it along with something else that made me think about life and its sorts. One thing I did enjoy was Ouiser. Good god! I laughed my butt off whenever her character was around. When it first started though, I didn’t think I was going to get through it with their country accents. I’m sorry, but it’s my least favorite accent of all time, on both male and females! Besides watching movies aka anything I can find at the moment. I’ve been doing pretty good on keeping up with watching daily vlogs. It’s a new obsession of mine if you haven’t heard by now! I’ve recently found the cutest family of vloggers that I’ll share with you next month!

Next month??? I keep forgetting it’s almost February! On Super Bowl Sunday it’ll be the first of the second month of 2015! Yikes! I usually like to do blog posts on the first days of the new months, but I might be too pre-occupied that day and night so I’m hoping this’ll do instead. I’ll be over at our neighbor’s for a Super Bowl party, mom said they’re having a fish fry! We both got too excited when she said the word, “fish” it’s actually been a long time since we’ve both had fish! I’m just happy I might actually get to see the halftime show. DISH decided to take off CBS (which is the usual channel that the game is on!) I love Katy Perry! That’s easily the best part for my mom and I is the halftime shows! I don’t know much about football and I know I’ll be asked quite a bit on which team I’m rooting for. So which team should I root for? Seahawks or the cheaters? It doesn’t matter if I don’t know anything about football or not, I still think the Colts should be playing anyways! I’m hoping to be recording the Kitten Bowl too. I’ve seen so many ads about it that I kind of have to! I already told Blondie I would do it for her. Nice cover story for me!

I’m thinking about breaking in my camera. I’m going to start “playing” with it sometime. It’s just resting in my little box with my stereo remotes, iPod, and phone. Those Veleeta boxes are the best things for a mini hoarder like me! I hope everybody is enjoying their weekend! See you again on Tuesday!

4 thoughts on “Is It Too Early?

  1. Enjoyed reading your post. ❤ I added the movies that you've watched on my watch-list. I also like watching daily vlogs on youtube. I wanted to try vlogging but I don't think I can pull it off well. Haha! Btw, Have fun playing with your camera. I look forward to your next post. 😀

    Ps. I liked your facebook page. 🙂



    1. Well, thank you very much! I would LOVE to do vlogging someday but I don’t think it would be smart to hold a camera while driving my wheelchair at the same time. I doubt it would end well for me. I make enough dents in walls to last me a lifetime! Lol


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