Blondie’s Bridal Shower!


Hello! 🙂

Three weekends ago, I mentioned on my outfit of the day post that I went to my sister’s bridal shower! It was exciting and a bit nerve-wrecking to say the least, because most of us waited until like the last minute to figure out what exactly we were going to do while there, like what kind of decorations and games we were going to play. Blondie and Brandon came up with some of the decorations months earlier, but I think a few things will be used for their reception at the actual wedding.

When we got there, we were greeted by their cat Samuel just chilling on a towel in front of the door. Thank god the door opens towards you otherwise he would have been hit. He’s kind of lucky he didn’t get run over either! A few of the bridesmaids Sam, Jayde, Skyela and Alli were there already. Sam and Blondie were in the little kitchenette cooking the beef and chicken for the Taco Bar. The cats kept trying to steal pieces of ice out of the bucket Brandon b18556333_10202948868520790_8267943436613421614_nought to keep the mini water bottles cold the entire time.

The shower was the first time my mom and I to finally meet some of Brandon’s family. I’ve actually been excited to meet his mom since probably last year. I know she’s not my mother-in-law but I still wanted to meet her! He had his mom, sisters, cousin, aunt and grandma there. I felt bad for him in ways, he basically stayed in his “man cave” through most of the shower playing his new video game; that part he probably wasn’t too sad about that! He did come out for one of the games though. When we played The Newlywed Game. I had asked him questions two days before so we could make signs and I realized that not only do I suck at bubble letters that I really need to invest on using my clipboard more since I now have green little dots all over my new cutting board. It’s for my blogging photography, don’t freak out on me too much!

His mom, brought down some very adorable pictures of when he was a baby and toddler for the party game “Guess What Age I Am” and don’t worry, mom found some very cute photos of Blondie when she was younger too! My dad and I had to glue them onto some paper and I wrote what age might’ve been in each one. I say “might’ve” because I had a hard time thinking back how old she really was for each year! I sat between both of my grandma’s, it was the first outing my nana has done since her whole health scare. She seemed18581601_10155343778247520_3354911898878346185_n to enjoy it since Otis basically flooped down into her lap when she first got into the apartment! Nana failed at guessing Blondie’s age in each picture, while my grandma (dad’s mom) and I won a fair amount on Brandon’s. I guess I can’t tell between a few months and a year old!

I was very proud of myself. I joined in on the fun with the games. When everybody was first showing up, they were asked to write out a memory of them and the bride-to-be and since I couldn’t figure out a single memory to share, I decided to say which one and have her guess which guest it is. Apparently I didn’t understand the rules very well, because as Blondie was failing to guess the right person, I thought it was only right to help her out but I kept getting yelled at by our mother because I was giving out hints. To the ones she couldn’t guess right, they were given prizes. It wasn’t until we were on our way home that I figured it that out and then I felt like a dumbass! Anyways, the memories were funny and I thought were better than what we both thought would happen. The last one was probably the “worst” out of all of them because it had to do with her drinking! Poor thing, three grandmothers in the room and she thought she was free from them hearing anything bad! Wrong!

18622914_10202953825844720_22095171_nBack in March Blondie and I had looked on Pinterest for different ones. I found quite a neat games, I kind of thought we could play a Disney related game since the theme of the wedding is half Disney princesses and half Batman, like no joke! Just look at their cake topper that Brandon found on Etsy at the picture above! I will link the different games we played here: The Newlywed Game and What’s In My Phone or use the alternative What’s In My Purse?

I definitely had a fun time! I was in a lot of pain by the time it was all over with though so that part sucked! Poor Chipper sent the weekend at the vet while his brothers were having the time of their lives with the guests. Gru and Otis crashed on a few laps, Samuel begged for taco meat from my mother, but little Tonif chilled out underneath the bed the whole time until she bravely went out into the living room and was stunned of the amount of people and did a U-turn back into the bedroom, she almost hit her back legs on the doorway! I’m thankful Blondie didn’t start crying when that happened! I went back over the Monday afterwards and she seemed more relaxed, even let me pet her which does not happen very much!

Hope you all enjoyed the post! Next will be about the Bachlorette Party!


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5 thoughts on “Blondie’s Bridal Shower!

  1. Awww, this is just lovely Meghan, I’m glad they had a nice shower and it all went well. The games you found sounded fun too, and I really like the idea of writing down memories of the groom and the bride to be as well, that’s a lovely idea! Love the dress you were wearing too as I mentioned in your other post, it’s so pretty. – Tasha

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