Life Lately | Let’s Recap

Hello there!

I was going to give a life update in the June playlist like I usually do in those posts, but the longer I thought about it, the more I realized I was away for TWO MONTHS. As you may know, a lot can happen in 60+ days, so ultimately, I decided to have a separate post for this.

The month of April was good. We were supposed to go visit family up north for my nana’s birthday, but again, plans changed like always. My little niece Kimber is a little terror at night according to my sister. She also cries and screams quite a bit, and before anybody freaks out, they’ve tried various ways to stop these things, but nothing has worked. Now they believe she could be teething, but so far we haven’t seen anything along her gums.

Other than that, she’s a very happy girl and thoroughly enjoys causing a bit of trouble. When she was about two or three months old, she discovered rolling over on every surface, including her parents. After she conquered this, she moved onto crawling and she is a big crawler, but recently she decided to stand up on her own, so she continues to find ways to freak everybody out–honestly, I’m very proud of her for it.

We have done a lot of gardening lately. In early April, my dad asked me if I wanted to help him plant the seeds of our tomatoes (my dad has a LOT of them!) and at first the only job I could do was put the dates on the Styrofoam cups and I was content with that, but within a day or two, my dad gave me an even bigger job, which was to actually plant the seeds into our little nursery containers. I’ve worked on tomatoes and radishes, plus our zinnias and sunflowers. I loved having a chance to get my toes dirty with the soil and see whether or not my toes would be too large to grab them; if this happened, I used the tweezers.

I was going to get me some raised beds this year, but we just don’t have the room – between our dog Rumer and then the cats, I just don’t think it would have been something I’d be able to keep up with like my parents do in the gardens. So, I really cherished the opportunity to help dad with his stuff, and we even built our new deck furniture, and I helped holding things in place for him as it was a pain in the ass to screw together. We made it through, and they do look nice, but mom and dad haven’t had a chance to enjoy them.

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As the month was ending, we had a sad moment.

Technically, we have five cats: Midge, Grumpy, Stormy, Felix (Fifi) and Nelson (Linus, as my dad calls him!) and we feed them and being around us has made them less feral in a way. They enjoy pets, some cuddles here and there, etc. Out of the five, I personally claimed Stormy and he has always struggled with allergies, it didn’t matter if it was winter or summer, he had nose issues like hard sneezing, nose bleeds, and his eyes were goopy and gross, poor dude was an absolute mess!

When I went to stay in the nursing home back in October, he was in a bad shape. He holed himself up in his favorite Styrofoam box house and slept in there, only to come out for eat and go to the bathroom. I hated seeing him like that, and it was around this time where I came to accept him passing away before I came home. However, by the time I did come home, he had regained his energy and strength and would jump up onto the deck with the other cats. Everybody was thrilled to see him do all of this again.

And once we made it to spring, his allergies were starting to come raging back and we kept the same routine my parents did last time, but one day he just decided to roam around the neighborhood, which wasn’t like him at all. We hollered and searched for him, but he was gone. I thought it was odd because Stormy rarely leaves the property. He’ll go visit my sister every once in a while, but he would always come out of a familiar haunt, but this time he didn’t. One morning while my mom was doing some cleaning outside, she found him in his house. He had passed away in his favorite place.

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I am still grieving over my Stormy Eugene. Yes, he had a middle name. The majority of our cats have middle names actually! Anyways, I don’t think I’m the only one. I truly believe Fifi is also coming to terms with the loss. Stormy and Fifi were basically attached at the hip, so I figured if any of the cats actually mourn for him, it would be him. He wasn’t in the mood of loving in the beginning, until recently. Oddly enough, when I came home from the nursing home, Stormy had recovered but Fifi was the one with health issues. He’s doing much better now, and enjoying the one-on-one time with me again. While I was trying to gain Stormy’s trust, I had already developed an relationship with Fifi but once I spent most of my time with Stormy, he kind of took a backseat.

Honestly, since Stormy’s passing, Grumpy, Fifi and Nelson have become snuggle bugs. Grumpy and Fifi have always been like this, but Nelson has been eerie of people, including us, but he has been enjoying the morning loves. He runs up against my feet and we chat about our morning so far. I’ve been calling him “chatterbox” lately because he is constantly meowing at us.

Now, let’s discuss the things that happened in May.


I was able to help do some of the planting again. This time I did more than put dates on the cups. I had the job of filling the trays for our nursery, and this was something that brought me back to my childhood,

One time my sister and I were digging around their huge trees, and we had found something very white and tough, we were slightly confused in our discovery but otherwise very happy with ourselves too! After a few seconds, our mom came out to see what we had dug up and she squashed our dreams and told us it was part of the sewer/water pipes and we needed to find another spot to dig to China. We were pretty sad but put the dirt back and moved to the other side of the sidewalk.

Anyways, as I was filling each hole, I was also told that I needed to make a two-inch hole with this wooden stick that was just the perfect width for me to grip in between my toes. Once I was finished with that, he gave me a packet of seeds and I began to drop those into their fresh beds.

Speaking of plants, I do have some bad but good news to share. My first little plant my mom got me at the start of 2021, it was a bonsai or money tree I named Yuri Lilliekoi, well unfortunately, it sort of died sometime last year. It was very odd, but it had looked like crap for a couple of months so, we knew something was up with it. I was very sad to let it go, but then this past May, it was Nurse’s Week and my mom and all of the other nurses were given a goodie bag and succulent plants, and she was so happy she ended up giving it to me. Once she showed it to me, I fell in love with it and of course like my other plants, it was given a name.

Succulents are native to desert areas in Africa and Mexico. I already have a plant named for the Mexican region, she is a spider plant but looks like a spot of very long grass, and she was named Paulina Sylvia or PS as they mean “little forest” in Spanish. So, I knew I would have to find her name within the African culture. I found out the Aken people tend to name their children the day of the week they were born, which I thought was pretty cool, and since mom gave me this plant on a Thursday, I went with “Yaba” (Yaa-Ba) and I really like it. As for the middle name, I wanted a way to honor all nurses, so I decided to go with “Florence” dedicated to Florence Nightingale herself. My mom giggled at my explanation of the plant’s name, but she approved of it though.

Our dog Rumer was out most times while we were working on the flowers, and when I was done with everything, I would go into the living room and hang out with her. She and I are becoming best friends. She is starting to understand the word “cuddle” now. I have my own spot in the living room. It’s next to our sofa and opposite of our bathroom. I literally sit in front of two vents, so I’m usually always cold, but I lean over onto the armrest of the couch, and she’s lie down on the other side, and we’ll cuddle. She sniffs my hair and cleans my face and ears. She is in love with ears, and it can get a bit weird, but whenever this happens, she is as close to me she can be and I know that’s when I can hug her freely. For the most part, she really gentle with me and we know she enjoys it just as much because she’ll stay there for quite a while.

Last month was actually her birthday month. We are certain that she had to have been born around Memorial Day weekend, since we got her in the middle of August. We celebrate both days since figuring out the math there. So, she is in face two years old now. I still consider her a “puppy” though because she is so goofy. I don’t know about other dogs, but Rumer has learned to clean her face. When she is done eating, she’ll jump up on the couch and plop her nose right into the edges of the couch and rubs her face all around the back of the sofa. I’ve never seen a dog do that before, but it cracks us up everytime.


My little nephew just had his birthday, and I was going to blog about it, but there were quite a few people and children in the photos, so I decided against it to protect their privacy. However, I wanted to share something about Nolan today.

We have a large collection of different blocks. We still have a bag he’s had since he was about two years old, but over Christmas, he got two more packages of blocks–technically, it was one, because the other is actually a set of Jenga blocks! I’ve tried to teach him on how the game works but he’s fine with using them as the base of ALL of his buildings. I love to see his mind at work, so I just lie down in my bed and watch him do it all on his own. Honestly, if I try to help, he gets mad because it wasn’t what he was looking for in the first place!

He loves to create houses, fountains, zoos, fireplaces, trains, etc. His mind is everchanging and it is amazing to see him work out the different designs. For his birthday, I found a Lego build of a penguin, because they are one of his favorite birds. I thought it would be cool to see him build something more complex. The kid managed to do a Rubik’s cube twice, so I know he will enjoy the challenging experience.

I think I am officially finished with this post. I need to make a warning for myself for later to not wait two months to write about everything that happened. I know I’ve forgotten things, but I think you’ll be fine with what I was able to remember, right? I enjoy writing these posts, but I can never condense things, and I’ve always been this way. It takes me a good hour o finish a story, so feel bad for my parents who are told the majority of my stories…I do hope you have enjoyed everything though.

How was you? What were you up to in April to June? Let me know in the comments below!


June Playlist

Hello again.

June represents a lot of things for me. I have a few of significant birthdays, like my nephew’s. He turned FIVE people! He also had a Pokémon party, and to surprise him my mom and I bought shirts for the occasion. She got the simple gray top with Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander on it. I, however, went with Mew. Mew has always been one of my favorite Pokémon as the name is an anagram for my actual name. It has my first, middle, and last name all represented, and it is so much fun to see everyone’s reaction, because it’s like a bell went off in their head like, “yeah, sounds about right.”

My niece Kimber has decided crawling around isn’t fun anymore, so she’s been trying to find steady places to help her stand up on her own. One day, she decided to use my wheelchair multiple times, even went for my legs which wasn’t the ideal place, but I secretly enjoyed the fact that she knew she could trust me enough to test it. My mom got a great picture of my legs at her sides, in a light way to show her if she lost her balance Aunt Meg had her. When Nolan was in this stage, he was smart enough to do it around Mimi and Papaw aka my mom and dad.

So, now let’s get on to the June playlist. As always, if you would like to listen to any or all of the songs mentioned below, click here to check out the Spotify playlist.

Lil Bit by Nelly featuring Florida Georgia Line
Pink Venom by Blackpink
You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift
Drew Barrymore by Bryce Vine
Chemical by Fame On Fire
Work Hard, Play Hard by Wiz Khalifa
Here We Come by NOCTURN featuring Lexxi Saal
Cocaine Avenue by Besomorph featuring Tep No
Really Love by Body Language

Loyal Brave True by Christina Aguilera
Underland by Delain
My Curse Is My Redemption by Xandria
Little Girl Gone by CHINCHILLA
Nightmare by Halsey
I Got U by Jennifer Lopez
Trouble by Pep Squad
Blood Diamond – Thorr Remix by VERIDA
Intoxicated by Lacuna Coil
Bussin by Bemax
Take It by The Seige

On Wednesday, you will have a look into the events that happened in April and May, but I thought for today, you would appreciate something recent. I hope you enjoy that post as well.

What were you listening to?


Blogmas | December Playlist


Can you believe Christmas is on Sunday?! I can’t honestly, and I’m sure there are a lot of people who are feeling the exact same way.

I usually post my monthly playlists at the end, but since I will be taking my mini hiatus directly after Christmas, it just makes sense to release it as part of my Blogmas content. I’ll actually give you the list now and share some of the stuff going on in the past few weeks below.

Here are my Top 20 favorite songs for December 2022! If you want to check out the full playlist, click here.

Skinny Little Missy by Nickelback
Diseased by Icon For Hire
Bye Bye by Gryffin featuring Ivy Adara
Met Him Last Night by Demi Lovato featuring Ariana Grande
Have Mercy by Chloe
It’s Been Awhile by VCTRYS
The Way I Are (Dance With Somebody) by Bebe Rexha featuring Lil Wayne
What A Man Gotta Do by Jonas Brothers
Running For Your Life by UNSECRET featuring Butterfly Boucher
Ghost Town by Layto featuring Neoni
Revolution by Bishop Briggs
Reinvented by Ad Infinitum
Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz
Dangerous by Aviva
The Assault by ADIEAUX x Justin Starling
Wild by Effsio Cross
Bones by wens
May It Be by Anuna featuring Sara Weeda
O Holy Night by Lindsey Stirling
Medley by Michael W. Smith
Nordlys by Myrkur
Silent Souls by Moya Brennan featuring Cormac De Barra
Carols of the Bells by Jennifer Thomas
Turn Off All The Christmas Songs by Sam Tinnesz

As I mentioned in last Friday’s post, I was really sick throughout the early part of the month, but I will say, I have had a lot of fun hanging out with my family lately. Our dog Rumer has really enjoyed playing again. She didn’t like it not being able to come around me in those few weeks. However, when I did come out, we’d play ball so much that she would literally jump up on the couch and fall asleep. One day she’ll do this when mom and I are watching Jeopardy in the living room. She tends to be active while we’re watching it, and you’d think her craziness would slow me down at all, but I have found I do better when I’m multitasking and playing with her.

Rumer does not know a lot of commands, we had plans to teach her a lot of different things when she was a puppy, but that takes a lot of time that none of us had a lot of patience for it, and now she’s full of energy and whines quite a bit. She does not do well away from my parents, mostly my dad, and she’s fiercely protective over us on top of that. Anyways, I’ve been trying to teach her some simple things, one is sitting (or lie down) before I roll her green ball to her. I don’t know what made me do this, but I point my big toe at her while leaving my right foot shielding the ball at the same time. She is starting to realize when I point downward, it means she needs to sit. She’s been doing great for this but recently, she’s been learning to go all the way down now. It was just bowing, and they’ve turned into fully calm, cooled and on the ground and everytime she succeeds in this task, I reward her with the ball.

For those of you who are asking about our Christmas tree though, she does pretty good with it considering she doesn’t usually care for the plants in the house. My dad was way too excited to bring our big plant we call “Sally” into the master bedroom for the month, because she can’t really mess with her and Sally has really blossomed in there as well.

If anybody has advice on how to help her anxiety being away from us and/or with the cats, we’ll gladly take it now!

Let’s talk about actual Christmas things now.

I wasn’t going to put up my tree this year. We recently switched my bed, have a new bedside light and other furniture around in the room and it’s been sort of a struggle figuring out where everything can go now, so I just figured I wasn’t going to have any space for it. And then we got the advent calendar which consists of mini ornaments, and it would make better sense to use my tree compared to the family tree and being around Rumer who eats anything and everything she’s not supposed to, so we managed to arrange it next to the TV and I have two very beloved musical Santa Clauses and we put them at the sides of my tree, and it really looks so good together.

These were the day one and two of our advent calendar ornaments. My nephew absolutely loves to do it as I mentioned in my post last Wednesday. I feel bad it’ll end on Christmas Eve though because it is literally the first thing he goes for when he comes over. Maybe I can find an activity for us to do at the start of 2023. If anybody has any ideas about this too, let me know in the comments.

One of Nolan’s favorite things to do lately is coloring, he really cherishes coloring with me and using my markers even though he has his own. We did a series of holiday characters, and he claimed all of them but one, the Dasher reindeer as it was for Mimi or my mom; unfortunately for Pawpaw Nolan decided his reindeer is for someone else, which really made him sad about it. At the same time we did this, Nolan introduced me to a movie on Disney+ and it’s called Prep and Landing, it is about the elves helping Santa navigate throughout Christmas night and it is so cute and hilarious! I’ve actually watched the other two and I figured out why the voice of Wayne sounded so familiar is because it’s the same actor who did Flik in A Bug’s Life: Dave Foley! Anyways, if you haven’t seen any of the movies yet, you should as they are perfect for toddlers and kids at heart obviously!

Here are the end results of our pages.

We have already finalized our plans for Christmas morning, and I get to play Santa this year! I’m not going to lie; this is good karma for me in a way. Nolan will be spending the night, so we have cookies and carrots for Rudolph and the gang, as per to Nolan’s instructions. We don’t want to offend any of the other reindeer of course! I am hoping when Nolan is officially asleep, we can put a couple of presents underneath my tree as he’s been such a good boy making my tree all pretty that I feel he needs to see some holiday magic for all of his good work this past month.

Okay, I think that is it for me today. I hope you have enjoyed all of the Christmas-y stuff going on and maybe found some good tunes to round out the rest of 2022.


Blogmas | Games for the Holidays!


I don’t know about you, but my family has never been into games.

The one thing I wished my family did more of was play games. We had a couple of years where we did in fact play Just Dance and Taboo, but they didn’t end quite well, which is probably why we never kept at it afterwards!

Now that I have Nolan and Kimber, I would like to bring in some old school games that I certainly enjoyed as a child. Nolan is very infatuated with technology and understands what a PlayStation and XBOX are–thanks in part to his daddy! However, as I’ve found out recently, he has a knack for Hungry Hungry Hippoes, so I may be right in my thinking that introducing some of these games I will be talking about in this post, will be something he might enjoy too!

Unfortunately, Kimber isn’t old enough to actually play with us, but I’m hoping watching the two of us would give her something to look forward to in the future. So, here were some of the games that I thought could be really good contenders for the three of us and maybe possibly your family too to play during the holidays.

Connect 4

Last September, while my sister was in the hospital, Nolan and I spent a good amount of time together and on Nickleodeon, they had some advertisements for the newest creation of the Connect 4 franchise; we were intrigued, Nolan especially, but I’ve always been more into the original setup, so I wasn’t too interested in this version.

I have many, many memories of playing this game in school. While I was in elementary, I took speech and every Friday we had a popcorn party, where we sat on the floor, ate popcorn, and played a different game (thus how this post came about!) each week. Connect 4 is a very easy game to understand as you have the structure itself and two different colored coins or chips, the objective is to not only block the other player, but you also have to connect four spots in a row in order to win.

Connect 4 is a lot like Bingo and Tic-Tac-Toe as you can go in many directions: diagonally, side to side, and up and down. As long as you win “fairly” then anyone at any age can be a master at the game itself.


When I was in elementary school, I took Speech, and I would be in there for maybe 20-25 minutes a day and I specifically remember Fridays being the best day of the entire week because it was our party day. Our teacher was so sweet, and she would make popcorn for each class, and we’d play different games, but it was a ruse because we still had to do our lessons in between turns. She was a smart and sneaky like that! Anyways, I tried to rack my brain trying to figure out which ones we played, and I really hope that I can teach my nephew someday soon.

Jenga is very unique, it is made up of rectangle sticks and requires you to really think about the overall design, whenever it is your turn, you pick a stick from the very bottom of the build or a little higher. For most people, you rarely went from the bottom as you need good bones for everything to stay up and if you take one from that section and it turns out it was helping from breaking down the whole thing, you lose. My nephew has always enjoyed stacking things up and blocks in general, so toddlers would really love playing something like this because they’re always doing things with their toys.


For this game, I learned it at the nursing home back in October. If these ladies ranging in age early 70’s to mid-80’s can play, anybody can do it. My nephew is four and he just loves playing this game anytime he comes over. It is usually the first thing he wants to do! What he doesn’t know is that he’s learning a bit of math too!

It is fairly simple once you figure out the steps. You have a paper with the numbers 1-12, two dice, and 12 chips or coins as my nephew prefers to call them. The main goal is to roll both of your dice and say it lands on a four and seven, this equals out to be seven but you’ve already covered up your seven with a previous play, so you have three options, that is if these other numbers are not already gone, you can lay down two coins on your four and three or exchange them with a five and two or six and one, which is even better because it is better to remove the number one as you can’t get a natural one with two dice.


I like a lot of card games, but my ultimate favorite–even if I’m not the best at it!–is UNO.

I have never been able to figure out how long I’ve loved UNO, but it had to come after middle school though. It doesn’t show up in my earlier memories and this kind of makes sense because I do remember playing an awful lot from 2005-2009 with my family and friends at slumber parties (do you remember those?!) and again, it is pretty easy to follow, but there are a few symbols that can be somewhat tricky, like the reverse and skip cards. These can be really annoying if you are playing with a large group of people and nobody really knows who is next in line, so to make things easier on yourself and the newcomers, I’d pick those guys out before you start the game entirely.

There is an episode of The Golden Girls where Dorothy is playing Gin Rummy with her mother Sophia, and she always loses the game and Sophia basically drives her completely insane after every round so she gives up and decides no more. By the end of the episode, you learn why Sophia chooses to play it with her daughter and they end up playing a round during the last few seconds of the show. I guess I’m the same way with UNO. I love playing it with my family the most, it’s where I have the most memories, and it doesn’t matter on the age because my nana was in her late 70’s when we taught her so it’s not all that difficult once you know what each card means while the game continues.

In a way, I am like Sophia because I like the talk and watching everyone’s facial expressions as they arrange their cards and it’s one game that being an observer can have its advantages… As much as I’d like to win a round or two, I am fine with seeing someone get excited instead. This is what I hope to teach Nolan the most; it’s okay to allow someone to win but you never, ever tell them afterwards, because then they’ll think you forfeited the game and they’ll want a rematch and that attitude doesn’t make good challenges, especially if they lose against you.

What are your favorite games to play during the holidays? Which one do you hope to teach your child or family member someday?


September Playlist + Meet My Niece!

Hello everyone!

This past month has been pretty crazy and I’m happy to be done with it honestly.

The beginning of it was interesting though, my sister has expected contractions throughout her pregnancies, but she went to the hospital more frequent with this one, and the most recent weren’t necessarily had anything to do with my niece. She had some issues with her breathing and her feet were very swollen, and she was told to rest more and put up her feet, and she tried to do everything the doctor requested but she still had complications, so she went to the hospital to be checked out and when she came home over two weeks later, we had welcomed our newest member into the family!


In my baby announcement back in May, I mentioned that I wasn’t going to share her name until she was born, mainly for the suspense but I also didn’t know whether or not her parents would change it last minute.

Kimber is a preemie, like moi, but at least she didn’t weight like two pounds and have to spend roughly 70 days in the NICU! Despite this though, she actually weights one pound less than her brother Nolan. We are all in agreement that we definitely don’t remember Nolan ever being this small! Nolan was a chunky baby but she’s very petite. A big difference between she and Nolan is that Kimber loves to be swaddled whereas Nolan has never enjoyed being wrapped up. He’s even four years old and he does not sleep with a blanket on him!

Since she came so early, as she was supposed to be born in early October, we had to make some adjustments to our plans of having my nephew come to our house while Blondie was in the hospital, we assumed it would be like two days, but it turned out to be two weeks. He went to his dad’s house on certain days but for the most part he stayed at our house, and he was a very good boy. He was very helpful to us, especially my dad and I, with our issues lately. I watched a LOT of toddler based educational shows like Paw Patrol, Blippi, and Cocomelon. By the end though, I was growing to be a fan of Blippi’s videos at Children’s Museums and Zoos. And at night we switched between Bluey (another favorite of mine!) and Muffet Babies. He seemed to enjoy having a sleepover in Aunt Meg’s room.

When Blondie was officially allowed to go home, she came to our house, and I finally got to meet her after almost a week after she was born. I was thrilled as this meant that I could have her on my bed like I did when Nolan was a baby. My mom got her a bouncy seat thingy in the beginning of her pregnancy, and we got to test it out and we found out that even though she enjoyed sitting in it, she seemed even smaller! I swore she gave me a little smile that next morning too!

found on Unsplash

Now let’s move on to the sad part of this post. I was hoping to write a separate one, but I thought it would look strange since I included Kimber’s announcement in this one.

I am very sad that Her Majesty the Queen has died. She was the reason why I became obsessed with the British royals and other monarchs in Eastern Europe, as I was curious about why she had the Roman Numeral “II” behind her name and that’s when I discovered my love of the Plantagenet and Tudor dynasties.

I have watched many documentaries on the Queen’s 70 reign in the last few years. I’ve enjoyed seeing her all dressed up, doing engagements out in public in various colors and her signature smile, hat and bags. She always seemed so interested in everything! I will forever enjoy the opening of the opening ceremony of the Olympics in 2012, where she walks the walls of Buckingham Palace with James Bond and her corgies, and acts like she drops out of the helicopter into that arena, I knew it was fake but it still shocked me they would do something like that. She must’ve had her say in the way of the segment too, after all she is the Queen, she wasn’t going to do something that showed her in a negative way, and joining Daniel Craig, allows us as the audience and fans to see her playfulness and overall sense of humor!

After 70 years of her reign, we now have a King and will probably have one for quite a while as after King Charles is William, The Prince of Wales, and his son Prince George of Wales. This part is a part weird, but I’m sure I am not alone in my thinking, but I am curious on how the British royals will evolve into this new order, and still be able to be caring human beings to themselves and others around the world.

As you can imagine, having to experience all of these new changes in a matter of two weeks, I haven’t been able to listen to music nor read my books as much as I normally do, I am finally trying to keep up with my stuff but I’m trying to take it easy as well.

This month saw a lot of good and bad things, but I still had my music to get me through it. So, I hope you enjoy my Top 20 below. If you’d like to play the entire monthly playlist on Spotify, click here

Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac
Fallin’ For You by Colbie Calliat
Sometimes A Prayer Will Do by Celtic Woman
All She Wanna Do by John Legend
Late Night Talking by Harry Styles
Brand New by Ben Rector
Love Me Anyway by P!nk featuring Chris Stapleton
Vegas by Doja Cat
Choke by The Warning featuring grandson and Zero 9:36
Shivering by Illenium featuring Spiritbox
Kickstart My Heart by Halocene featuring Shershen&Zaritskaya
Bow Down by Rain Paris
Toxic by Charlotte Wessels
Try Again by Aaliyah
Come, Little Children by Clovet Mae
Godless by BANKS
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost by Eklipse featuring Melissa Bonny
Bom Bidi Bom by Nick Jonas featuring Nicki Minaj
Black Widow by Fame On Fire featuring Twiggy

What were listening to this month? Name your top three favorites in the comments!
