Fall Nail Polishes


Hello again!

Back in May, I wrote a post about my favorite spring nail polishes! Now I’m back with my second post discussing some fall colored polishes!

If you guys and gals don’t know, I don’t get my nails professionally done. I’m super ticklish and unfortunately with my condition Arthrogryposis, I can’t move my hands much less my fingers out enough for somebody to give me a fresh coat of paint. Luckily for me, I don’t have to go without getting my nails painted because my nana loves doing them for me! She also has a lot of patience too! Every color is in my nana’s collection and in a matter of three years or so, we’ve consumed a lot! Sometimes I can’t be trusted in the beauty sections at the store! I’ve had family members try to redirect my attention somewhere else, that’s how bad I’ve become lately!

I’ve sort of upgraded to 11 bold colors that I felt represented autumn for myself! I wanted to wear very bright, pastel-y shades in the spring and summer; now that we’re heading into fall and winter I like to wear a lot of darker colors and this is no exception! So let’s get right into it!



This time I wanted to separate them out a little bit more, so each batch of polishes are divided into their own sections. So beginning with the brand Milani surprisingly my nana a few of these little bottles!

26 “Quick Teal”

Despite the orange shades in this post, this one is the only bright color of the bunch! I actually added it for a reason. Just because I prefer dark shades for fall and winter, doesn’t mean I can’t add a pop of color sometime! However, I’ve never tried this shade so I can’t tell you how many coats you have to put on to get that color of the bottle. I do think it’s a good color to have if you’re like me and wear black and browns a lot during the colder months!

581 “Lavender” 

Here’s what is so interesting about this one. I am not a fan of glitter-y polishes, mostly because they are such a bitch to remove if you had to put on more than two coats. Also, I’m picturing lavender as a very light shade and this isn’t light at all. It’s more of a royal tone and that’s the reason why I put it onto this post, because I am a lover of darker purples than lighter.

99 “Blackberry Baby”

The first thing that popped into my head when I grabbed ahold of this bottle was that it looked like a burgundy shade of red. It’s very dark, in ways “seductive” as the normal bright red tone, but on the sides of the container it has little glittery notes. I’m not entirely sure if that’s the bottle reflecting the kitchen light off of it or if it does in fact have glitter inside it.

46 “Black Magic”

As I wrote out the name and number of the black polish on the right, I kept picturing Emilia SacconeJoly singing part of the chorus of Little Mix’s song “Black Magic” in my head.

Anyways, yes my nana has a black polish in her cabinet and surprisingly enough, she is the one who bought it! She’s only used it a handful of times, but she has had black nails, but I haven’t, which is shocking considered my reputation! I think I would wear it if I could figure out how to take away the glare, I want a matte shade of black than anything else!

Pure Ice and Wet & Wild:


These were the only two polishes that I chose that obviously don’t belong to the same brand. Both of these polishes were given some legendary names I have to say! Again, we’ll be starting from left to right again!

775 “Frosted Ice Celestial”

This one I feel like is more in the late fall and early winter category than anywhere else! The Teal from the beginning belongs in this post than this one does, but I liked the royal shade of it and it did remind of the last bit of November and the months after! Like with the Blackberry Baby this one also produces some glossy effects from inside the bottle. Whether or not, it’s from the flash of my camera is totally another story!

206 “SaGreena the Teenage Witch”

I’m not joking, that is the name of this emerald color of polish! Trust me, I had to do a double take while I was writing it out! I thought it was so cute!

This symbolizes Halloween for me, along of course with the orange polishes I selected down below, but this is a very mysterious color. It’s not bright like in a happy sense as to the one I included in the spring collection, but this is more, the only way I can describe it as if a stranger–a mysterious woman walked around a dark corner trying to tantalize a man or woman; like a spider does with prey! Sorry for the crappy metaphor, I really tried!

Sally Hansen


As you might know if you’ve read my previous Nails Of The Month posts, my nana and I are big fans of Sally Hansen! We have tons of different versions of polishes and you can clearly see that here in this line.

150 “Sun-Kissed”

I have added two different shades of orange onto this post, one is lighter, whereas this one is the bold, in your face, pumpkin shade of orange that we all sort of gravitate towards at this time of the year! I like the title as it does remind me of the Sun Kist drink that I no longer drink!

136 “Go For Gold”

This was one of the last colors I had on my toes! I want to say maybe July?! I think so. Anyways, this is another one like the Frosted Ice Celestial that I feel like it doesn’t necessarily belong in the autumnal category, despite the fact that people do consider gold as a fall stable sometimes, I wouldn’t say a sparkly shade of gold would fit for this, but still I had to add it into the post!

375 “Gone Grey”

This title made me think of both the “Gone Girl” and “Fifth Shades” books!

You’re probably wondering why I wanted to put a gray shade into this post. Well, honestly I think gray is neutral color that basically fits any season except for maybe summer! It has more of a slick look to it that I really liked for the whole feeling of fall for me!

470 “Unbreakable Heart”

This one ultimately belongs on the winter part, but I also had to remind myself of both apples and cinnamon, it has a kind of warmth quality that I am, well everyone looks for during the start of the colder months! October and November has hints of orange, yellow, brown, red and sometimes a dark shade of green too! So I couldn’t leave it out completely!

460 “Snappy Sorbet”

Lastly, we have this light shade of orange. Even though, it has more of a coral look to it! It’s not in your face as maybe my Junior prom dress did (I looked like a big ole salmon!) in 2009 but I think it’s still a good fall inspired color! If you’re missing the summer, this is a good shade of both pink and orange you can wear for the start of fall!

So what do you think of these colors? What represents fall to you?


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Spring Nail Polishes


Hey guys!

Well today I’m going to be talking about something that I love! I technically love a lot of things but this is in my top 5 favorite things ever! It’s really hard to get a spot in the top five or ten!

I love nail polishes! It’s strange that my nana no longer likes doing her nails, but she has a large collection of different brands and colors! I went through her zip block baggies and cardboard box full of polishes. I threw away the ones that were absolutely disgusting! I only wanted to take pictures of spring, light colored polishes and I ended up cleaning half of her cabinet for her! It’s all good though because that whole section needed it!

If you read my new post of the polishes I used on my toenails. You probably know I’ve been into pastel-y shades all of a sudden! I still hate any shade of pink, but I’ve been thinking of creating this post for a while. I was surprised she even had lighter colors in her cabinet because every one I pulled out of there were dark or full of glitter! I took pictures of eight polishes I thought would be good for the springtime! So I hope you enjoy this post!


My nana and I really love Sally Hansen nail polishes for two reasons: great colors and really cheap! Nobody wants to spend more than $4 of nail polishes and if you are willing to spend more on a little bottle of nail polish you’re nuts! I like being able to spend $2 on both Sally Hansen and Pure Ice polishes than others!

The polishes above are definitely bolder and scream spring to me! From left to right: the colors are called: 325 Big Teal, 360 Mellow Yellow, 620 Limestone, and 160 Hardcore Party. I think these four polishes above are the prettiest! Even the blush shade in the right corner! If I was REALLY brave I would have used that on my nails. Actually I have before, but if you want it to be noticeable, you have to put like four coats down but then it takes you forever to remove it afterwards! What I thought was interesting though was the fact she had three different variations of Sally Hansen. She had the Hard As Nails, Xtreme, and Insta-Dry! I don’t think it was intentional, I know I just focus on the color whenever I find them in the store. I don’t pay that much attention to the brand or price.


I apologize for the last two, I didn’t shake them up very good! I probably should have thrown away the purple now that I can see how disgusting it looks!

I thought these colors were good if you wanted to have a spring-y color that wasn’t too obnoxious! I feel like I should have also switched the purple and pink out because I feel that the purple is a really bold color now and the pink fits this lineup. I don’t know if the nude shade would go into the whole spring theme I’m going for, but I thought if you want to do polka dots, maybe use it as the base and other colors, maybe the blue polish as the design of whatever you’re feeling at the time! The names for this Peach, 201 Fashion Safari, Dollface, and 420 Lively Lilac.

What are some of your favorite seasonal nail polishes?


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NOTM: Greenge


Hey guys!

Technically, I got my nails done on the nineteenth of February, but I’m pretty sure both colors will hold up nicely for the whole month of March! If not, then you’re get another post with this same kind of intro for April’s nails!

Since I went with the dark concept for January with the royal blue and emerald for my toes, I wanted to go lighter this time around. I just need something kind of bright but not as obnoxious! My nana has a big collection of different nail polishes stored in her kitchen. She has tons of nude, pinks, and glitter polishes, but I don’t really use them as much!

“Peach” by Pure Ice:


I’m pretty sure I’ve purchased both polishes; both came from the same haul! What’s really weird is that the pink polish I was going to use came from the haul too! Sometimes they get back in the cabinet and are lost for a bit!

This one jumped out at me first, which was strange because like I said, I’m not really into lighter colors but some days I just need something happy and this one did just that for me! Unfortunately, there’s no name for this color so I’m going by what I described it on my previous post. This is my second time using a Pure Ice nail polish, they’re pretty good as far as quality! You don’t need a lot of coats to get the shade of inside the bottle, but if you don’t have a clear finish polish, then it’s best to do two coats just in case! That’s what we had to do as after I got to doing things for my nana, we had to add another coat because of it had started coming off already!

“Limestone” by Sally Hansen:


I’ve used this green before and for me, it just symbolizes “spring” for me! And for a lot of people that’s what March represents, the coming of spring! Considering I went from an emerald color for January, I didn’t think I’d choose another shade of green for the next month(s) but okay!

For a lot of people, they might agree I don’t wear a lot of colorful outfits and that’s just my style! I feel whenever I do my nails though, I’m very colorful! I have my days where I need those darker colors to really set the gloomy mood I might be feeling. I might not be complaining much about all the snow and ice, but it doesn’t mean I’m not tired of it and need more warmer days full of green trees, flowers, and stupid bugs! I honestly miss going out and taking pictures of our cats on the porch. Those three days in the middle of January wasn’t enough for me!

My papaw is responsible for naming this post! After I showed him my nails, this is what came flying out of his mouth! I had some fun trying to do these pictures for this post! I used everything we needed to do this! Cotton balls, tissues, and Q-Tips!

What do you think of my nails, yay or nay? What kind of polish do you have on right now?



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Three New Nail Polishes!



I’m back from spending time with my family. Technically I’ve been back for a couple of days but I’ve been trying to edit pictures and rest as much as possible because the last time I spent the night at my grandparent’s house and hung out with the family, I couldn’t do anything for at least two weeks! Things were a bit different this time around, but I’m still really tired! So to give myself some time to relax in the week, I’ve decided to publish a couple of smaller posts and leave the bigger ones for early next week.

Everything happened from Friday evening to Saturday night. It doesn’t seem all that short but to me, it was a lot longer than that trust me! A little run down, During day two, my Uncle Rick came down to spend some time with us. My Aunt Laurie and Uncle Mike had asked me if I wanted to join them while they went to Wal-Mart. I said sure. My younger cousin Taylor wasn’t originally going to go with us, but after I asked where he was Laurie went back and from what he told me she used games as a bribe to get him to go with us. I felt bad for him in a way, I talked my head off the whole way there, but he let me have it on the way back so it was all right! I learned a lot about him on that ride home so that was nice! He’s like me, he’s a little bit shy. If you can get him away from his nook he’s very lively and talkative! I felt bad I managed to lose my UNO cards in the last month and I don’t know why we managed to not buy a whole new deck of cards while we were there! Next time we’ll have our rematch!

I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about this before but my Aunt Laurie and her husband Mike are both deaf, it’s a bit difficult to talk to the both of them. I can’t learn sign language even though we’ve found out there are ways for ones who use their feet like me to do it. Unfortunately my toes can’t separate from one another, but I do know a couple of gestures that I CAN do with my left foot, for the most part I have to talk very slowly so they can (hopefully) read my lips. It’s a lot harder than it looks, I’ve always had an issue with it because I am a fast talker and a giggler, but then again if you saw these two and how fast they talk to one another, even with one hand it will amaze you! Sometimes Taylor does have to tell her what I said because he can hear and use sign language to translate it for her. It’s very interesting! I say this because the first thing she had him ask me was “what do you want for your birthday?” I honestly didn’t know! I still don’t know to tell you the truth!

On our outing, they were searching for things for my grandparents like my Papaw’s ice cream bars. He loves fudge bars but whenever my mom goes shopping at the end of the week for them, she has a hard time finding them. Well, Wal-Mart didn’t have them either! My nana wanted more glasses. So they got her an eight or maybe it was a six-pack of small glasses for her. I was supposed to get her markers but I forgot. And Mike also got her some flowers (fake) for outside in the yard. I also got some pretty flowers, not that I have any place for them! You might see them in future blog posts! I love sunflowers and daisies and surprisingly that’s what I got! One of the last things we got though were the nail polishes! Laurie got some lipstick which turned out to be lip gloss instead! The packaging was misleading! Anyways, I was very troubled in choosing what colors I wanted to get this time around. There was more of a selection and I was only allowed two or three. So I came home with these three colors!

I generally pick these brands on accident almost every time! Sally Hansen and Pure Ice nail polishes! They’re usually cheap and low to my level so I can reach them. The first one that got my attention was the middle one. It’s called “Unbreakable Heart” and it’s a deep red, perfect autumnal color! The second was the “Big Teal” by Pure Ice. It says it’s teal but it looks more navy blue than anything else so we’ll have to see what that one does! And lastly because it is almost Halloween, I got a light orange color called “Sun Kissed” also by Sally Hansen! I really want to paint my toes in this color and borrow my nana’s black sharpie and make a Jack O lantern on my big toe! I’ve got too many ideas to do with that one stuck in my head!

Which color do you like the best?