Life Lately | Pixie and Snow


Oh boy! I don’t even know where to start. This weekend has been an eventful one, but also parts of it have been really boring too. My sister and her boyfriend “Batman” came down for two days, even though Friday night they went to Terre Haute to visit some friends up there, but they came back that morning to come over to nana’s. That’s basically my weekend in a nutshell.

I kind of had a better week. Which is weird, but I think it was good. I’ve messed up my sleep sometime early in the week. Spending your late night watching hilariously videos of the One Direction boys is probably not the best choice but i can’t help it. When I go on these damn music binges I usually can’t help myself and I end up doing silly things, such as this to myself. Anyways, I had a fun surprise for everybody come Wednesday afternoon. My mom had made an appointment for me to get my haircut–somebody doesn’t like the length of it anymore and wanted me to get rid of my bangs. Well, lucky for that person I was basically done with my hair too. I vowed to never cut my hair really short ever again and yet I kept looking up different pixie haircuts. I had two that I definitely liked the most, but my mom did not like either one because they were so short. Who was the person who brought up that I needed a haircut and proceed to make an appointment for me? This woman.

This time around, I refused to get any bangs and spikes. I can be edgy without them. At least that’s what I keep telling myself! So when it came to be Wednesday, only two people actually knew I was getting my haircut. Nobody else knew about it. I love surprising the crap out of people. I actually like it, I don’t love it, but I like it. Since we’ve had our little push wheelchair, we’ve hardly taken the big one and about on the lift for a while. Thankfully, my mom came to her senses and realized we NEEDED to take the big one. She’s been having lots of problems of getting me in and out of the car while picking me up and out of the Death Trap. It’s too low for her so she has to bend lower than normally to grab me. In my big chair, she still has trouble but it’s not so low.

After I got my hair done, we went to my nana’s where I got to spend a good three hours there with my grandparents. My mom never told her what we were doing, so before going inside she put my hood up on my jacket to shield my new do. We walked/rolled inside and they were surprised to see my big chair but after that shock melted down, we said “there’s one more surprise” and pulled down my hood and got them there. My nana likes it or so she says. I spent my day at their house, my papaw was upstairs for most of the time and since I got to run around on my own with ease, I could go from one room to another without needing help or feeling I could tumble onto the floor like the last time. It was strange really! My papaw was attempting to come down the stairs, I’ve always known he goes and sits on the floor upstairs so he can get to things easier, but I’ve got to say watching him come down the stairs scooting on his butt, moving his little box slowly, one step at a time. I couldn’t help myself from laughing because he was being so dainty about it, my nana looks at me “I see a blog post going on” well I’m five days late but it’s okay! He told us that after counting how many steps he had to go, that his butt was on step seven, his feet and box were on step five. Oh, thank god for his sense of humor! He did good though, especially getting up on his feet and into his wheelchair. We established that it wouldn’t be a good idea if we had a race in the house, considering the drastic change in chairs, one has a motor and the other doesn’t. I’d totally win!

As might’ve seen on my blog, I haven’t been in a blogging mood at all. Everytime I went to do something, it would go over my head, You should be happy you even got a Tune Tuesday post last week. This week, I thinking it’ll just be this post and three album reviews. I might be snowed in this week, as we just got our first snow of the season. I hope everybody enjoys their week. 1919659_642035775906009_5308606154091375403_n 10676180_4684053557404_2736780766706318763_n 10392333_4687740849584_6870034723224675729_n