Join Me For #Blogoween!


Hi 🙂

So I have been thinking a lot about different things to do in both October and November, mostly October since it’s basically the start of autumn! I have been looking at December and what we bloggers tend to do around that month, which is Blogmas. We blog every day leading up to Christmas. People seem to really enjoy those posts and videos on YouTube, but I am more of a Halloween type of person. So I thought and thought about it, and wondered about creating a “blogmas” type of theme for the month of October?

Thus entered Blogoween. 

I am not claiming the name because my luck and some other soul has created it once before and it didn’t get off the ground, because I had never made any connections. It just sort of came to me in the middle of the night like most things do anymore!

So what do you think, does a Blogoween sound appealing to you? As a reminder with Blogmas, you would be doing only 24 days of the month whereas with Blogoween you would be blogging about it for 30 days! Well, that is if you wanted to blog that amount of time. I’m pretty sure I’ll still be blogging for three days, occasionally adding a day or two on the timeline!

If you decide to join in, I thought since can’t do one of those link-ups, we could keep up with each other through social media? I mostly use Twitter, so I thought we could use the hashtag #Blogoween to read other blogs or vlogs, if you’d like to try that out instead, basically do whatever you want with it! I just figured it would be a fun theme for everybody that loves this time of the year more than say Christmas! But let’s face it, Blogmas or Vlogmas are usually the funnest times of the year!

If you are stumped about what to talk about, I will link below some autumn and ‘Halloweenie’ posts I’ve done in the past, if some of you ladies and gents need some more inspiration!


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