Photo Diary #3



How is everyone doing? Hope everyone is doing well with life lately. I’m doing well if you were wondering. Just keeping busy with different things. Doing a lot of planning and dreaming about the future and how I could make those things a reality for myself sometime soon! I thought I’d share another photo diary of a beautiful in February! I know, that seems like a long time ago, but I’ve had a full schedule and couldn’t find a better place for it earlier! Of course we’ve had more pretty days here recently but this was a good three day weekend so it’s first!

The weekends are proving to have gorgeous weather! One Saturday was just beautiful! I had so much fun sitting out on our front porch. I usually sit on our back porch because sometimes there are less bugs. In the summertime though, I’d rather be in my wheelchair so I can “run” away from the bees and wasps I see getting closer and closer to me! Anyways, my mom asked if I would like to sit out there instead and I said “yes” only because the walk there would be a lot shorter! My butt and hips are just starting to get back into the swing of scooting again. Luckily, I haven’t been hurting too much! I went out and was greeted by Bootsie and Grumpy–who literally sat on my lap! I couldn’t move! Once I got him off my thigh, I went over to a different spot. I went over to my dad’s cooler and laid back onto that and attempted to take pictures of the cats, sky and birds in the trees, which was a disaster! But I’ll find a way to do it soon!

Onto the pictures! And there’s a lot so if you’re not into cats at all, you can click the “x” button now! Oh, if you want to hear a cute story! Mr. Nelly decided to get all adventurous on us and climb up onto the roof of the house. I do have a picture of the result but I don’t feel comfortable sharing it. So you’re just going to have to take my word for it! Sorry! And don’t worry, he did find a way down. He must’ve slipped and fell down but landed on his paws but unfortunately he didn’t just land on solid ground. He also landed on Tavy’s front paws too!




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10 thoughts on “Photo Diary #3

      1. He loves him thankfully! He’s still a baby though we got him last October. He’s called Freddie (formally named Tilly, till he grew balls and we realised we had a boy, not a girl LOL)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL! We’ve had that happen before, our tabby kitty was named “Penelope” at first because everybody thought it was a girl and then it wasn’t. At that point, we were already calling him “Nelly” but the poor cat probably has identity issues because we keep calling him “her” lol

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    1. Yeah, they were acting very weird that day! I have a bunch of pictures of them playing with a couple of rocks a couple of weeks ago! I’ve been debating whether or not to add them to another photo diary!


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