No Pay For Me!



Recently, my lovely sister Emily aka Blondie, has been starting her own writing path. She’s been writing personal and thought-provoking articles on The Odyssey. I wouldn’t consider her a “newbie” as she’s written quite a few of blog posts on here. She’s also had a Tumblr in the past, so she’s published certain things on there too, but she’s never done anything like what she’s been putting up lately!

I have always wondered if she’d ever get on the writing train one day. I just figured she’d create a blog, but this was brought to her instead. I’m pretty proud of her for doing this, because she’s like me, she tends to hide away her thoughts and feelings, and if she doesn’t find a way to talk about them, she explodes! So I’m glad she has this outlet to share those things, like she can spread her message about finding love after a bad relationship, and whatever else she decides to share with the readers of the Odyssey community and everybody around the world!

Her first post was about Brandon, her fiance, some of you might know him as “Batman” as in the beginning that’s what I intended to call him on here. The article was called, To The One Who Saved Me. The next week she published one about spreading awareness and helping families, friends, and the victims of domestic abuse. It’s titled What You See Through The Eyes Of A Victim. If you’d like to read any other posts, just click her name on the top of the posts I’ve included and it’ll redirect you to the main menu of her articles.

Being a writer isn’t all that’s cracked up to be though! We do have our own critics – some more than others! We always over analyze if we should discuss this topic or not. And of course, she is also getting her own haters too! Thank god, she already has a thick layer of skin and she can deal with the trolls. I’m not saying, they won’t bother her at all, I mean, she still has feelings, but she doesn’t let other people’s words control her as they would for me.

One thing that is different between the two of us, she explained that Odyssey does in fact pay their writers, if they get to a certain point of popularity. Whereas I am not getting paid for any of mine. Now she didn’t exactly say she’s been getting money from the site, but she might one day if her popularity grows in the future!

I’ve had a lot of different people tell me in the last three years that I needed to get paid for my articles, but I just don’t want to. Which is interesting considering I’m the first person to defend a blogger that wants to monetize from the content they put on their site. I don’t have a problem with it, I just feel like I’m not ready for all that yet.

I think one of the biggest reasons why I don’t want to get paid is because of the dreaded word, “deadlines” every once in a while I do get a deadline for Disability Horizons and I had one every month for Bloggernation Magazine, but with those I didn’t get hammered if I didn’t have something done. All I had to do was ask for more time and usually I got that, I had maybe another full week to get things finished.

So no pay for me at this time.

I think maybe down the line I might change my mind, but right now? Nope. I know everybody means well, but I have to be ready for that next step. The whole thing is about having the experience and what my nana has explained to me is that it’s getting me out there and people will start to pay attention after a while. I’m also afraid that I’ll lost what is fun about blogging once I get to a certain stage. That’s why I am fine with doing more opportunities with other bloggers and/or digital magazines, I have made a whole section about that underneath my “About” called Press Pack if you want to check that out. It’s basically my blogging resume! It has all of my previous work on there and I’ve added some categories that I am comfortable writing about if you already an idea for a subject! If you’d like for me to write something for you, send me an email and let’s work something out that we both like!

Thanks for hearing me out!

What do you think about bloggers getting paid for different pieces?


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5 thoughts on “No Pay For Me!

  1. I’d love to eventually be paid for my writing, but I am also afraid that with paid incentive, comes obligation. I’m awful with deadlines, I’m afraid that it would suck the fun out of writing for me!

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