Trifecta: Boo! Boo! Boo!

Rules for Trifecta Writing Challenge:

Write a piece for the word, using the third definition. The piece must be no less than 33 words and no more than 333 words. You have to use the word given to you. Some of this is true, but the rest is fictional.

Mackenzie sat backstage with microphone in hand.
She took things very serious and trained her voice for this song.
She wanted everybody to like it–like her–but she was afraid of the backlash.
As she sat backstage on one of the chairs, she kept thinking of the negative thoughts.
The other girls were singing their hearts out to songs that didn’t match their style, voice.
She dressed in her red dress and had her brown hair down over her shoulders.
She let her mom put on red lipstick to give her sophistication she needed to feel confident.
But she could not escape her thoughts inside.
Boo! Boo! Boo!” they chanted at the end of her song.
She pictured herself running out off that stage like she was being chased by a monster.
She crumbled to the ground and as the others watched her cry her eyes out.
Nobody bothered to comfort her and she felt alone.
She knew that she wouldn’t win the contest.
“Mackenzie. Mackenzie, are you ready?” Mr. Tabor, her choir teacher asked her.
“Oh! Yeah, I just had the worst daymare ever.” Mackenzie said as she wiped her face with her hands.
“Daymare? What is that?” Mr. Tabor said confused.
“A daymare is a mixture of a daydream and a nightmare. You didn’t know that? You need to get out more.” Mackenzie said as she tried to drain her thoughts.
“You ready then?” Mr. Tabor said as he rearranged his music sheets before leaving her to gain herself.
The last girl walked backstage to go back upstairs with the rest of the girls.
She just smiled at Mackenzie like she didn’t have a shot in hell.
Well, Mackenzie was going to prove not only her wrong, but herself as well.