Why We Need A Vegan On TV!


This is going to be a little different then what you’re used to seeing me talk about on here.

I will admit that I am fascinated about a lot of things, whether it’s the moon, babies or cats, I am pretty much into learning about almost everything! However, there are two things that I’ve somewhat driven myself berserk as far as educating myself on. I am obsessed with history, we all know that. If there is an European History category on Jeopardy there’s a 50/50 chance I’m either going to do a decent job or bomb it. The second one is that I am really into food. In 2014, I discovered the Cooking Network channel on accident while hiding in my parent’s room because there was either a cricket/mouse in there! Don’t ask, you don’t want to know trust me!

One thing that I has been growing within me is my knowledge about the vegan/vegetarian/gluten-free worlds. I’ve been very proud of myself on how much I know on all three types. If you’re unfamiliar with the terms: vegan is a person who chooses to eat things without dairy, whereas vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat. Of course, there are similar terms that sometimes go along with these two like paleo which is considered like “caveman” lifestyle, there’s no sugar, wheat, or dairy and there’s also pescetarian and this is someone who only eats fish. And of course, the last one is gluten-free and this is for a person who cannot have any sort of grains. I hope I haven’t confused you! For a while, my mom and I had arguments that vegan and vegetarian meant the same thing!

You’re going to think this is probably hypocritical of me, but unfortunately I am not a vegan, vegetarian, etc! As much as I support the people who do live that lifestyle, I doubt that I’ll ever be able to switch over. Why? I have a father who believes you should have some kind of meat in all of your meals, mostly because this was how he was raised. I do have to say though, I am very slowly cutting out sausage, pork (it’s his favorite), and steak. Sausage is just obvious, I now know what they put in there, but pork and steak though funnily enough get caught in parts of my teeth and I have a rough time chewing!

I have tried gluten-free products before! My Aunt Linda is allergic to gluten and cannot have a lot of breads, which I found out later on that it’s actually caused by heat. The more you work with dough and the more heat draws into it and activities in a way, sort of like yeast! There was one family gathering a few years ago, where she brought down a couple of dishes, (some she had made herself and others that were mircowavable) and there was a “mac” and cheese dish that made out of rice! I was fairly intrigued with the whole thing and I think this is what started me on the path to find out more about all of it!

However, most of the information I’ve been able to figure out has only came from two separate places: internet (mostly blogs and YouTube videos) but one television show! One! Food Network has all of these competition shows and yet, I haven’t seen a vegan or gluten-free cook have their own show! As far as I know Mario Batali is vegetarian and he still cooks with meat, but still there has not been one person who is vegan or gluten-free and has a show based off of that kind of lifestyle yet.

A lot of people are uneducated about the plant-based diets we now have popping up all over the place! So I thought to myself, why don’t I go on a hunt to find some worthy bloggers or YouTube personalities that would be great for TV and who create some amazing dishes for people who want something different in their bodies!


Kalel was basically the first person I really saw as a “true” vegan/vegeterian. Her personality is considered very Californian, plus she is a bit of a potty mouth, but that being said I think if she was able to she would be great as a chef on TV! I found her vegan taste tests as both entertaining and interesting as I’ve only known the alternatives for cheese. I like knowing the varies kinds of “milks” that can be used to create these vegan cheeses such as cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts! I managed to blow my Uncle Rick’s mind when I told him about it, but I think I’m actually going to need to give him a bite of it so I can say “see! I wasn’t lying!”

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The Little Blog Of Vegan

Holly Jade is one of the “newest” vegans I’ve been following on the blogosphere! She’s the only one of this list who just has a blog as her sharing platform plus a number of different publications on websites and magazines. I’ve been enjoying her posts lately. One of my guilty pleasures is going on the desserts section! She’s one of those people who had to change what she ate over health concerns! She’s also not just a vegan, she also supports cruelty free products too!

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Niomi Smart

Niomi was technically the third vegan/vegetarian that I got into, but I don’t watch a lot of her videos, however she’s the only one on this list who has released her first cookbook! I don’t want to she’s the best bet to get a food show because I think there are others who deserve a shot at it too! Niomi is a very respected vegan in her own right and has some very interesting recipes!

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The V Nice Life 

Sarah is another “new” one to me. Since I’d rather watch these “What I Ate Wednesday” or “What I Eat In A Day” videos on YouTube, finding actual bloggers that take great pictures and have appealing recipes is somewhat harder for me to do. I am more about visual, which is the reason why I record about 4 different food shows during the week, but Sarah is both a blogger and YouTuber like Niomi. So I think she would be a neat chef or baker for a cooking show too! She has a more subtle voice so she’s not obnoxious which is great for not only me, but maybe everyone else too!

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One of the main reasons why I wanted to write this post is that I tend to bottle things up inside and in my household, I’m not able to create any of my own meals. It’s definitely something that I would like to do one day, but would I ever consider going vegan someday? This is a very interesting proposition because I think I would like to try pescetarian first mostly because I’m already losing my love of meat in general. I think gradually I would try to eliminate my dairy intake but right now it doesn’t seem like a possibility but I often wonder if any vegans out there ever thought they wouldn’t be able to live without certain foods too. I’m pretty sure they have had those thoughts in the beginning of the transiting phase!

What do you think about veganism? Don’t be mean to others or my choices above, but I would like to hear your opinions!


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