Photo Diary | Massive Amount Of Cats!


So I am back with another photo diary and I apologize in advance for anybody out there who doesn’t like cats, because between the last photo diary and my recent post about how I got a new camera I’ve managed to consume a lot of cat pictures in just two months! This is ridiculous I know, but for those who love our cats, you will enjoy the stories and pictures below!

This first batch was from the previous camera and I do remember banging it on our back porch and the cats just staring at it like food was going to come spilling out of it. Greedy little bastards! If I haven’t told you this, the reason why I have a lot of pictures of them eating is because half the time they just run into the house whenever you open the doors so it’s better to have food on hand to help distract them so I can scoot out to the porch. It seems to work with all of the cats but Bootsie. She’s still the one that makes a beeline to the food container or one of the bedrooms. We can’t tell you how many times where we’ve found her just chilling on the bed after a few hours!

This next batch, I decided to experiment with the different settings on my new camera and somehow I managed to create this red-ish hue around the cats and the shadows of chairs, I don’t know what explain made everything like that but I don’t think it was a bad thing!

On the day I took these I screwed my camera onto my little tripod and they seemed to think was another thing to rub up against because I had to delete quite a few (and still have to) because they would just head butt it and fall over in front of me, but I hope they realize that all I want to do whenever they act like this is take more pictures of them! Everything they do though I want to try to capture it on film and post it on here for you guys but they are fast little boogers! I can never get them to stay in one place too long before they get bored and run away from me to explore. I can’t say I blame them for this, if I had the power to do that I would do that too!

Again, I’m sorry for the big selection of pictures of the cats! I definitely didn’t plan on taking so many at one time. It just sort of happened and funnily enough, I don’t think I will ever learn from this because I kind of like it. I definitely didn’t want them to be individual pictures at the different parts because I figured that would make it worse and unappealing! So that’s why I ultimately made them into a slideshow!

Hope you’ve enjoyed all of the pictures. I’m also thinking about playing a game for all of my readers via Twitter and Facebook next month, called “Name That Cat” and I’m testing everybody and you have to guess who is who. Remember the names are: Bootsie, Midge, Grumpy, Bear-Bear, Stormy, Tavis (Tavy), Felix (FiFi), Oscar, and Nelson (Nelly)!

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Which picture(s) are your favorites? If anybody has any good camera knowledge that would be more than welcome to help explain a few things to me, that would be great! 


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