Song Review: “Aether And Light” by Varien

Several months ago, I was in a BIG District 78 mood. I send a few of their songs to my friend Carolee (sound familiar?) and I remember asking her if she had anything on her profile that sounded like them and she sent me quite a few groups/artists. One of which was Varien and the rest is h-i-s-t-o-r-y!

I found a new song by Varien on Spotify a few weeks ago. I have a HUGE weakness for tracks that are literally nothing but a beat! I feel like that’s something in the EDM world that we’re hearing less of. We’re not hearing the beat, we’re not hearing the artist/DJ themselves and their masterpieces. Instead all we’re hearing is a mediocre beat with a guest vocalist. As good as those tend to be and I do like my fair share of those types of songs. I like unique music and I found this to be a unique rearrangement. It starts off being very mysterious, almost like you’re in an exotic dream. It’s got some other cultural sounds to it that makes very different from what you’re used to hearing  It’s dramatic but gentle in a way! It has every element that I love so that is a freaking plus!

What do you think? Would you buy this and put it on your iPod? If my iTunes worked, I would in a heartbeat!