I Am A Brand. We All Are.

Last night I was invited to two different blog chats on Twitter set to be at the same time. I was worried about the fact if I have too much traffic on my account, I’d either go into Twitter jail or my laptop would crap out entirely. Thankfully, neither one of these happened and I ended up enjoying my time between both chats. One was about ladies uplifting each other about beauty and it was hosted by @FallonJai and @PecanMomma. The second chat I was apart of was about networking and branding of your blog and it was hosted by @LaceandZippers. Both chats were comforting and fun to join and hopefully I’ll join for the next round of chats soon.

While I was answering different questions and tweeting different people. There was a question that got me thinking about my blog as a whole and apparently I let my thoughts out in full swing because I felt content with my answer and the aftermath after the chat ended. My blog might’ve started out only as a hobby, but it has grown to be like a brand to me. To answer the question you might have as of how it could be a brand, I was asked and I answered with this.

I thought about it all last night to see if I’d regret any of my answers but I never did. I actually thought about the fact that my blog is like a brand at a store at the mall or somewhere. The only differences is I’m not selling any clothes or jewelry, which apparently you can do that actually. It’s called a “blog sale” I recently just learned about it too. Everything I say is free and you can come and go to find something’s always new whether it’s the subjects I talk about or the different banner/backgrounds I use on the themes.

I took a Fashion & Textiles class during my freshman year of high school but I don’t remember how different stores get their brands to sale in their stores, but I feel like blogging would have some similarities between the two of them. When I was younger, I never really tried to keep a diary or journal because of two reasons.  1.) I could never get anything truthful and meaningful out of the words I had written. 2.) I was always afraid that somebody would criticize me for what I was feeling and what kind of thoughts I had going through my head. When I hit middle school, I got into songwriting. I was making up little stories of the emotions I was going through and I was getting to the point were I was showing people them from time to time. It wasn’t until my senior year were my muse for these songs was gone, I didn’t have the same feelings I had earlier to generate ideas for songs anymore. After that, I discovered blogging and that became my little hobby and I caught up with it longer than anyone ever did in my Grammar class.

I feel like I’ve grown from that time. Blogging was something I did when I was bored. Now it’s something I do that I love to do. I talk about my blog everywhere I go. I know the thoughts and see the weird and concerned looks from others whenever I tell them that I own a blog whenever they ask what I’ve been up to lately. My blog is my life, it’s my baby. It’s a lot different from writing on a piece of paper. I mean, I still have trouble going at it old school. It took a while to write a post on my Word Processor too. Writing a blog post generates ideas for me (sometimes!) and I’m free to talk about what I want and how I feel and surprisingly I don’t care about others might think about it. I am building, I’ve been building this brand my whole life. I’ve just done it in different ways. I talk about music, family, friends, school, movies, books, cats, and etc that I’ve made myself this online store of different things. Everything that I do on this blog is for me and nobody else. To everybody who thinks I spend too much time blogging, go fuck yourself! This is me having the freedom to be exactly who and  how I want to be. This is no longer a hobby for me and honestly it hasn’t been for a couple of years now. It is my brand, my memoir because you can read all of my posts and look how far I’ve come on my writing and seen how much this blog and my audience – thank you very much by the way – have changed my life. Maybe those dreams of having a professional quality type of blog will come sooner rather than later.

Thanks for reading!

15 thoughts on “I Am A Brand. We All Are.

  1. You go girl!

    I’m particularly fond of your words from “To everybody who thinks I spend too much time blogging, go fuck yourself!” on! Ha!

    Admittedly, I still think of blogging as a hobby though I know I should be thinking of it as a brand. You’re absolutely right – we are, in fact, a brand whether you’re using your site personally or as a way to generate income. Anything you put out into the world is a representation of you and you want to be well-branded. So from today forward, I’m with you….no matter the reason you blog – you are a BRAND!

    Have a great weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m definitely A BRAND, girl.

    Why else would I be involved on the internet? Why would I be the OWNER of FOUR groups on LinkedIn, MANAGE 3 more, and if this isn’t enough MODERATE 2 more groups there? Why would a create a new group on LinkedIn, and then duplicate it’s creation on FaceBook, Google, as well as on GoodReads? In case anyone is interested the group’s name is “Romance Authors of the World;” and like the name implies the status of anyone as a Romance Author will be checked prior to approval.

    Why would I bother to be on Twitter [about 7,700 followers], GoodReads [about 4,400 friends], FaceBook, FaceBook Fan Page, etc, if I didn’t want myself to become a BRAND ???

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! I agree with all of this, it’s not some hobby keeping all of those accounts and still update them if you didn’t think of yourself as a brand in the first place! 🙂


      1. That’s precisely what I attempt on doing. Aside from entering RaffleCopter GiveAways and trying to win Amazon Gift Cards and winning either nothing or books instead [KINDLE as well as paperbacks]. I’ve begun to enter the GiveAways on GoodReads and have won actual paperbacks. Two of them are Advance Uncorrected Proofs [Reader’s Copies], and at least one of them might eventually have a book signing I and get to and get the copied autographed.

        By expanding out into this area, I might even be able to BRAND myself as a BOOK REVIEWER as well. But don’t ask me to review any book, as I’m not going to accept any requests to do a review.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wow, that’s awesome! I’ve been thinking about entering giveaways but I’m so worried as far trusting people and the product they’re giving away, you know? Anybody can say what they want about they’re saling.


      3. If you’ve got any concerns about entering GiveAways to win copies of books. Some of them could be Advanced Reader’s Copies [ARC] which might also be marked as Advance Uncorrected Proof; both of these are cleared marked as such and also indicate NOT FOR SALE.

        Then just stick with GoodReads. If you win the person offering the books are REQUIRED to send the books to you. If they don’t after a period of time, you can report them to GoodReads. Likewise, if you receive a copy of a book, you’re expected to write a review for it.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re quite welcomed Meghan.

    So if anyone else following Meghan here is an author it’s a GREAT WAY to connect with other authors. And if you LOVE TO READ, you might be able to connect with your favorite authors, etc.

    Robin Leigh Morgan
    YA Paranormal Romance Author
    “I Kissed a Ghost”

    Liked by 1 person

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